
Region 4 Combined Sewer Overflows

The dataset represents the locations of combined sewer overflow (CSOs) outfall locations in DEC Region 4, specifically the Albany Pool. It also includes overflow detection capabilities of CSO communities and overflow frequency data within a specified timeframe.

Combined sewer systems (CSS) are sewer systems that are designed to collect storm water runoff, domestic sewage, and industrial wastewater in the same pipe and bring it to the publicly owned treatment works (POTW) facilities. During rain events, when storm water enters the sewers, the capacity of the sewer system may be exceeded and the excess water will be discharged directly to a waterbody (rivers, streams, estuaries, and coastal waters). http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/48595.html

The cities of Albany, Troy, Cohoes, Rensselaer, Watervliet, and the Village of Green Island make up the partner communities in the Albany Pool Communities. Among the six communities there are nearly 100 CSO discharge points. The Albany and Rensselaer County Sewer Districts are connected to the CSO program through their State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permits, and are cooperating with the Pool communities in implementation of the Long Term Control Plan (LTCP) for the abatement of CSOs. Read more about this program at http://www.cdrpc.org/CSO.html.

Data Source: https://data.ny.gov/Energy-Environment/Combined-Sewer-Overflows-CSOs-Beginning-2013/ephi-ffu6

BOCES Districts of New York State

In 1948, the New York State legislature created Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) to provide shared educational programs and services to school districts within the state. Today, there are 37 BOCES districts that consist of shared services between 712 school districts, namely every one outside of the New York City School Districts.


Public Fishing Access Locations – Trout Fishing

This data displays the access locations of rivers and streams for fishing in New York State, as determined by fisheries biologists working for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. It has been filtered by those streams that are listed as containing Brook, Rainbow, or Brown Trout. Balloon color shows what type of access -- boat, walk-in fishing, shore fishing, etc. Data Source: Recommended Fishing Rivers And Streams. https://data.ny.gov/Recreation/Recommended-Fishing-Rivers-And-Streams/jcxg-7gnm