Plastic Bottle Litter
I hate when the granola eaters litter the trails with their little presents.
Taken on Thursday August 12, 2010 at Owls Head Mountain Firetower (Long Lake).Why ads? π€ / Privacy Policy π³
I hate when the granola eaters litter the trails with their little presents.
Taken on Thursday August 12, 2010 at Owls Head Mountain Firetower (Long Lake).The trail crosses this downed tree.
Taken on Thursday August 12, 2010 at Owls Head Mountain Firetower (Long Lake).Parts of the trail cross marshy areas on board walks, like these constructed on the first 3/4 mile of the trail.
Taken on Thursday August 12, 2010 at Owls Head Mountain Firetower (Long Lake).Make a left at one mile, to go up Owls Head. The other direction takes you to the Lake Eaton State Campground.
Taken on Thursday August 12, 2010 at Owls Head Mountain Firetower (Long Lake).It looks like in 1982, the state experimented with these imprinted steel trail markers along the trail, long since largely grown into the barks of the tree.
Taken on Thursday August 12, 2010 at Owls Head Mountain Firetower (Long Lake).This is looking backwards, towards the Sargent Ponds Wilderness, Lake Eaton, and the timber lands between here and Tupper Lake.
Taken on Thursday August 12, 2010 at Owls Head Mountain Firetower (Long Lake).Part of the trail is well worn, and is on open rock face. The good news however is with the lush tree cover, you don't have to worry about acrophobia up here.
Taken on Thursday August 12, 2010 at Owls Head Mountain Firetower (Long Lake).