Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Summertime! πŸ–οΈ And the livin' is easy. Or so we will pretend, for a few minutes spent in the willderness in the swimming hole. And my mind drifts to afternoons at the Potholers in the heat which will certainly return once the black flies go into the hiding.

What price the glory of one man?

It always bothers me that it seems like every other street is named after some dead government worker, but true American hero like William Moore rarely get any kind of monument, are mostly a footnote of history. There are parades and whole celebrations for dead government workers, but rarely do ordinary courageous citizens get much commemoration. While William Moore, nearly 50 years after his death, got a monument to his life in Binghamton, it’s rare that you hear much about him compared to endless streets and monuments to long dead soldiers and politicians.

The Gut

The Gut

The federal government didn't have much good to be said about the D4/D5 redlined neighborhood known as the "The Gut" of Albany in 1930s.

This area deserves to be classified  as a slum neighborhood. Many former two family houses are now used for  three families by use of the basement as a separate unit.

Favorable Influences: All city facilities and adjacence to center of city and industry.

Detrimental Influences: Age  and obsolescence. Close to railroad and Hudson River- cellars are  flooded with high water. Green Street is known as the "Red Light"  district."

Kind of wish I was camping out tonight ⛺️

It’s a cool but fairly nice night but I see the clouds pushing in and the forecast man says rain by 6 AM or maybe sooner — I occasionally felt what seemed like a drop of rain or two out hiking at Kehler Preserve and now as I sit out back. I prefer any night in the wilderness to a night in the city, but hammock camping in the rain doesn’t sound like much fun.