Other States

Exploring various other places outside of New York State, including Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Massachusetts.

Devil’s Den

This location was discovered during the depression while the CCC were building the forest road. Over the next seventy years collectors discovered many of the finest alpine quartz specimens from North America here, making the Devil's Den a true classic locality. Take Mt. Tabor Road from Danby, park at Devil's Den picnic area, walk north along road to outcrops on east side of road. Excellent smoky quartz and other minerals are found in pockets in the local schist. https://www.mindat.org/loc-69594.html

St Albans Point

Land that jets out into Lake Champlain near St Albans, north of Burlington. Notice how marshland almost makes the point an island.

Mountains Fade Into Fog

Looking to the east, into the Berkshires you can see the mountains fade away into the fog, as it steadly drifts to the east.

Taken on Sunday September 13, 2009 at Alander Mountain.