Off-Grid Living

Off-the-grid is a system and lifestyle designed to help people function without the support of remote infrastructure, such as an electrical grid.

Getting Raw Land, Not a Raw Deal!

Getting Raw Land, Not a Raw Deal!

There is more to buying raw land than meets the eye and more than a few individuals have wished they’d had a second chance upon finding themselves duped, conned, misled, ill-advised, uninformed, oversold, undereducated and often unprepared. They realize, often too late, that a raw land purchase should be properly investigated, evaluated and negotiated using a logical and rational plan.

Let me start by saying I’m not a geologist, soil analyst, surveyor, engineer or land consultant. I’m a passionate real estate investor, licensed agent, appraisal assistant and landlord who purchased various raw lots, as large as a 15-acre parcel, for investment and building projects. In addition, I have consulted with numerous individuals proficient in real estate, who have contributed to my general awareness of the conditions and merits of raw land. We, as small investors, can further use this information to our advantage in wisely choosing land and utilizing it to it’s highest and best use regarding fulfillment of our needs, wants and desires.

Building Your Home on Raw Land? 9 THINGS TO CHECK BEFORE YOU START!

Building Your Home on Raw Land? 9 THINGS TO CHECK BEFORE YOU START!

12/5/22 by Austin Martin,
Squash Hollow Farm

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You got some property… NOW WHAT? If you are planning on building a homestead from scratch, maybe even an off grid home, eventually you will need to choose a spot to put your house. How do you choose the best spot to place your home? Don’t make a costly mistake, in this episode Logan Parker from Heirloom Builders joins us to talk about how to choose the best location on your property for your home.

3 WAYS TO FIND CHEAP LAND (How We Found Our Homestead Property) – Podcast Episode 121

SOOO MANY PEOPLE DON'T START HOMESTEADING because they don't have land!

Are you looking for cheap land to get started with? Learn 3 ways to find cheap homestead land in this episode!

I was listening to this podcast at 3 AM in the morning last night. When looking at land, you really do need to think outside of the box it seems, especially with inflation and high price of land these days.

Ep 22:Homestead Startup – How you can get more land for less money

In this episode, we talk about how we were able to get a great price on land that wasn't even on the market at the time. We explain in three steps how we looked for land, found land that met our criteria, and negotiated pricing while considering start up cost and natural resource revenue opportunities.