Electric Heat as Primary Heating Source (2019 5-yr ACS Averages)
Data Source: US Census Bureau.
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Data Source: US Census Bureau.
This map shows structures built in 1939 or before as a median-age 1939. This does however give you an idea on which neighborhoods are newer or dominated by newer housing.
Data Source: SELECTED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS 2012-2016 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Gross Rent - Median (dollars). https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=ACS_16_5YR_DP04&src=pt
This interactive Google Map looks at the percentage of homes in each Census Tract that are Mobile Homes. Generally, mobile homes are more common in rural parts of the state, but not always. Generally mobile homes are in lower-income parts of the state, but that also is a correlation but not a rule.
Data Source: American Community Survey, Demographic and Housing Estimates (2016 ACS, DP05). https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=ACS_16_5YR_DP05&src=pt
This interactive Google Map looks at the percentage of homes in each Capital Region Census Tract that lacked running hot water in the US Census Department's 1959 Housing Survey.
With the current shortage of natural gas in Western NY, I thought this would be an interesting graph to share, showing which parts of the state are heavily dependent on natural gas for heating. Natural gas is the most popular heating fuel in urban areas, as it's one of the cheapest sources of energy for heating. Western NY uses a lot more gas for heating then the Eastern half of the state, which has been traditionally more reliant on heating oil for heating. Manhattan and Bronx still use more oil then gas, while the outer boroughs tends to be more connected into the gas grid.
This interactive Google Map looks at the percentage of homes in each Capital Region Census Tract there were designated as dilapidated in the US Census Department's 1959 Housing Survey.