Hamilton County

Hamilton County is a county located in the U.S. state of New York. Its county seat is Lake Pleasant. It is one of only two counties that lie entirely within the Adirondack Park (Essex is the other). As of the 2010 census, the population was 4,836, making it the least populous county in New York. It is also the most sparsely populated county in the eastern half of the United States, with a population density of just over three people per square mile.

Hamilton County is in the north central part of the state, northwest of Albany. It lies entirely within Adirondack Park and consists mostly of publicly owned parkland. As the tourist folk will tell you, there is no permanent traffic light in the county.


Little Moose Lake

Little Moose Lake is a lake east-southeast of Old Forge in Herkimer County, New York. It drains south via Little Moose Outlet which flows into the South Branch Moose River. Panther Lake is located south of Little Moose Lake. It was privately owned until about 25 years ago. It is passed by the Wilson Ridge Trail, which runs south from the Cedar River - Limekiln Lake Road.

Lantern Caught Fire Too

Rough night for my propane equipment. I had a leaky connection on the lantern and it caught the latern on fire. I wasted a lot of water trying to put out the propane fire -- there was a lot of propane in the lines even after I turned off the tank -- ultimately I grabbed my insulated gloves and tightened connection while it was on fire. And then this morning, one of the propane lines blew out to the campstove. Shit happens, I should have replaced that line a long time ago. I think I also have the parts to replace that melty piece, though that's mostly just for aesthetics.

Taken on Tuesday June 18, 2024 at Perkins Clearing and Speculator Tree Farm Conservation Easement Lands.