North South Lake

North-South Lake is the biggest and most popular state campground in the Catskill Forest Preserve, offering extraordinary scenic beauty, and historical sites, such as: Alligator Rock, Kaaterskill Falls, and the former site of the Catskill Mountain House.

An abrupt change in elevation occurs from about 540 feet above sea level at the base of the escarpment to approximately 2,250 feet at the site of the former Catskill Mountain House. The provinces around the lakes have long provided visitors with exceptional views of the surrounding countryside. It is said that on a clear day, five states can be viewed from the escarpment.

Bridge By Halfway House

This is where the ruins of the Halfway House are, an old tavern that travelers would stop at during their ride up the mountain road to the Catskill Mountain House in Horse and Buggy. You can just imagine all the horses stopping here, and the owners coming for a good drink.

Taken on Monday May 25, 2009 at Palenville Overlook.