
Berne Beers Map

An overlay of the Beers Map for Berne over a contemporary aerial photo.

2016 Berne Land Use

2016 Berne Land Use

While Berne has quite a bit of farming going on in the valleys, there is less agriculture going on there then to the north in Knox. A lot of the hillsides and upper elevation areas aren't great for farming, and even in the valleys, more of the land is used for pasture and hay production.

Switzkill Valley

Driving through the Switzkill Valley, Albany County Route 1 in Berne, New York on a sunny afternoon, last day of winter 2017.

Berne 1960

Berne 1960

A 3D rendering of what Berne looked like in 1960 from the aerial photos taken April 1960.

South Berne

Driving through South Berne on Albany County Route 1.