Downtown Albany, NY

Downtown Albany is the Central Business District in the City of Albany. Or as the Downtown Albany Bid describes it …

“Exciting Entertainment. World-Class Dining. Exquisite Art and Culture. Urban Residential. Whether you work or live in New York’s Capital District or are lucky enough to make a visit, downtown Albany offers the unique opportunity to explore a city rich in history, framed by nearby mountains and over 400 years in architecture.”

There are a lot of jobs downtown, and decent public transit. You have to go there on the weekdays to make a buck or two.

Pastures – 1952

Pastures - 1952

This shows the pastures neighborhood in 1952 before Interstate 787 was built. Notice how the superhighway replaced the old train tracks, or at least covered them up.

Wandering Jew

The other day when I was visiting with John Wolcott in Colone, he gave me this Wandering Jew plant which after a few weeks of slow growth has been growing quickly with the bright sunlight.

Taken on Friday February 3, 2023 at Alfred E. Smith Building.