Hammond Pond
Mount Tom
I Should Think About Exploring the Hammond Pond Area More.
I really should think about exploring the Hammond Pond Area … π²πΆ
I rarely get up that way in the Adirondacks because I don’t like driving on the Adirondack Northway, but there could be a lot to explore up that way, even if they’re isn’t the roadside camping nearby — unless I head back along Boreas Road and camp at one of sites along Boreas Road or NY 28N. That might actually be fun and hike the Roosevelt Truck Trail the next day.
It looks interesting to hike back to Berrymill Flow and Moose Mountain Pond. I could stay at the lean-to there or in my hammock overnight, once Black Fly Season is done. None of those hikes look particularly strenuous, and I think because they’re not mountain tops and are in remote country, they’re probably not super popular either. I would like to spend more time in the remote country, and with my rechargable lantern and battery pack, I probably wouldn’t need a big heavy lantern, and during the summer months could pack lightly, possibly without a big heavy pack frame — or at least not so heavily weighted down.
Bald Peak ?
Snow at Base of Tower
Only 2-3 inches though.
Taken on Sunday January 27, 2013 at Belfry Mountain Firetower.