Upstate NY dairy industry worries NAFTA replacement leaves Canadian loophole
"While supportive of a new trade deal, the New York Farm Bureau and the chief executive of a Central New York milk processing plant are concerned Canada will still have the option to set up new price restrictions in the future."
National Chocolate Milk Day
While the brown cows may have more milk fat and be far more mischievous, they don't produce brown milk until you mix in the chocolate.
2012 Ag Census Milk Sales
June is Dairy Month. This interactive map shows the total milk sales per county for all the counties that have multiple dairy farms. It is based on 2012 USDA Ag Census.
Data Source: USDA/NASS Quick Stats.
Find the source of your milk
The Internet has recently discovered that the FIPS Code for New York, so that a milk plant that is regulated by NY Department of Ag and Markets would start with 36, while Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture would be 42, and Vermont Department of Agriculture would be 50. That said, this site gives a pretty face to the USDA's milk processing plant database, and tells you city the processing plant is located in along with products that the plant is licensed to produce.
The demise of a Massachusetts dairy farm
How A Swiss Cheese Cartel Made Fondue Popular
"The popularity of fondue wasn't an accident. It was planned by a shadowy association of Swiss cheese makers. A cheese cartel basically ruled the Swiss economy for 80 years, until fairly recently."