U.S. Government Orders Expansion Of Hunter Access To Federal Lands
Buck outswims hungry wolf in northern Alberta lake
DEC Considers Expanding Bear-Canister Regs
Why not expand bear season in the High Peaks or set a bounty on black bears in WMU 5F? Fewer bears, and bears more scared of humans, there would be fewer problems.
Cops Warn of Infected βZombieβ Coyotes Confused for Stray Dogs in Suburbs
PETA’s ‘Shoot Selfies, Not Animals’ Awareness Graphic Goes Incredibly Wrong
2016 All Deer Harvested By WMU Per Square Mile
This interactive Google Map shows the number of all deer (antlered and anterless) per square mile that were harvested by WMU in 2016.
The data to make this map can be found on this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mxcpRrOWF0n22ajyLxkv-Xm9GsRNrtnIVXc-ktAlma4/edit#gid=0
Data Source: NYSDEC 2016 Deer Harvest Estimates. http://www.dec.ny.gov/press/110232.html
2016 All Deer Harvested By Town Per Square Mile
This interactive Google Map shows the number of all deer (antlered and anterless) per square mile that were harvested by town in 2016.
The data to make this map can be found on this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mxcpRrOWF0n22ajyLxkv-Xm9GsRNrtnIVXc-ktAlma4/edit#gid=0
Data Source: NYSDEC 2016 Deer Harvest Estimates. http://www.dec.ny.gov/press/110232.html