
PHP Script for Converting RPTL 1590 Reports into Excel Files

Real Property Tax Law 1590 requires that municipalities post their tax rolls, within 10 days of the proposed and final rolls being approved. Below is an PHP script that will extract the reports into a CSV file for importing into Microsoft Excel or a GIS program. It extracts the text from the PDF using pdftotext from the poppler-util.

If you do not want to install poppler-util, I would encourage to check out the simpler and better maintained R Script for for Converting RPTL 1590 Reports that I also wrote. Both versions can also be found on my GitHub.


// this program requires pdftotext (a linux program) and PHP version 7.2

// first convert PDF to text
$pdfdir = "input-pdf";
$textdir = "output-txt";

// delete old input-text
if (isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] == 'delete') {
	echo "Deleting old conversions ...\n";
	system("rm $textdir/*");

foreach (scandir($pdfdir) as $file) {
	if (substr($file, -4) !== '.pdf') {
	$textfile = substr($file, 0, -4).".txt";
	$town = substr($file, 0, -4);
	echo ("#### START $town #### \n");
	if (file_exists("$textdir/$textfile")) {
		echo "Text file exists, not converting PDF again (arg[1] == delete to override).\n";
	else {
		echo "Converting to text file ...";
		system('pdftotext -layout '.escapeshellarg("$pdfdir/$file").' '.escapeshellarg("$textdir/$textfile"));
		echo " DONE\n";
	$text = file("$textdir/$textfile");
	$town = substr($file, 0, -4);

	$taxroll = array();
	$payerId = 0;
	$output = "";
	$townId = "";
	$swisId = "";
	$countyId = "";
	$villageId = "";
	for ($i = 0; $i < count($text); $i++) {
		if ($i % 100 == 0) echo "#";
		// capture county - town - swis
		if (preg_match('/COUNTY\s*?- (.*?)\s{2}/', $text[$i], $matches)) $countyId = $matches[1];
		if (preg_match('/CITY\s*?- (.*?)\s{2}/', $text[$i], $matches)) $townId = $matches[1];
		if (preg_match('/TOWN\s*?- (.*?)\s{2}/', $text[$i], $matches)) $townId = $matches[1];
		if (preg_match('/VILLAGE\s*?- (.*?)\s{2}/', $text[$i], $matches)) $villageId = $matches[1];
		if (preg_match('/SWIS\s*?- (.*?)\s{2}/', $text[$i], $matches)) $swisId = $matches[1];

		// first line = tax id
		$pattern = '/\*{3,} ((\d|\-|\.){4,}) \*{3,}/';
		preg_match($pattern, $text[$i], $matches);

		// we've found the start of a new tax record!
		if (isset($matches[1])) {
			$taxpayer = array();
			$j = 0;
			// output each part onto the line
			while (isset($text[$i]) && !preg_match('/\*{3,}/', $text[$i])) {
				$split = preg_split('/\s{2,}/', $text[$i]);
				$taxpayer[$j] = $split;
				$i++; $j++;
			$taxpayer[$j] = array('location',$countyId, $townId, $villageId, $swisId);
			$taxroll[$payerId++] = $taxpayer;

	// export unprocess tax rolls for debug
	file_put_contents("output-debug/$town.txt", print_r($taxroll,true));
	// next scan for all special district types in file
	$specialDistType = array();
	foreach ($taxroll as $taxpayer) {
		for ($i = 0; $i < count($taxpayer); $i++) {
				for ($j = 0; $j < count($taxpayer[$i]); $j++) {
					if (preg_match('/^([A-Z]{2})(\d\d\d) (.*?)( TO|$|\d{2,})/', $taxpayer[$i][$j],$matches)) {
						$specialDistType[$matches[1]] = $matches[1];						

	// then process into a nice field
	$formTax = array();

	foreach ($taxroll as $taxpayer) {
		$formPayer = array();
		$formPayer[0] = $taxpayer[1][0]; // tax id
		if (isset($taxpayer[0][1]) && preg_match('/^(\d.*?) (.*?)$/',$taxpayer[0][1], $address)) {
			$formPayer[1] = $address[1]; // street number
			$formPayer[2] = ucwords(strtolower($address[2])); // street name
		elseif (isset($taxpayer[0][1]))  {
			$formPayer[1] = '';
			$formPayer[2] = ucwords(strtolower($taxpayer[0][1])); // street name
		if (isset($formPayer[1])) $formPayer[23] = ltrim($formPayer[1].' '.$formPayer[2]); // full street 
		else if (isset($formPayer[1])) $formPayer[23] = ltrim($formPayer[2]);
		$formPayer[3] = ucwords(strtolower($taxpayer[2][0])); // owner 1
		// next five lines are either are owner or address info
		for ($i = 3; $i < 8; $i++) {
			if (!isset($taxpayer[$i][0])) continue;
			// if a taxpayer name
			if (preg_match('/^[A-Z]/',$taxpayer[$i][0]) && !preg_match('/^PO/',$taxpayer[$i][0]) && !preg_match('/^(.*?), (\w\w) (.*?)$/',$taxpayer[$i][0])) 	{
				if (!isset($formPayer[4])) $formPayer[4] = ucwords(strtolower($taxpayer[$i][0]));
				else if (!isset($formPayer[5])) $formPayer[5] = ucwords(strtolower($taxpayer[$i][0]));
				else if (!isset($formPayer[6])) $formPayer[6] = ucwords(strtolower($taxpayer[$i][0]));
			// if a city - state - zip
			else if (preg_match('/^(.*?), (\w\w) (.*?)$/',$taxpayer[$i][0], $address)) {
				$formPayer[10] = ucwords(strtolower($address[1]));
				$formPayer[11] = strtoupper($address[2]);
				$formPayer[12] = ucwords(strtolower($address[3]));
			// if an address (pad to this field)
			else if (preg_match('/^\d/',$taxpayer[$i][0]) || preg_match('/^PO/',$taxpayer[$i][0])) {
				if (!isset($formPayer[7])) $formPayer[7] =  ucwords(strtolower($taxpayer[$i][0]));
				else if (!isset($formPayer[8])) $formPayer[8] =  ucwords(strtolower($taxpayer[$i][0]));
				else if (!isset($formPayer[9])) $formPayer[9] =  ucwords(strtolower($taxpayer[$i][0]));
		$formPayer[13] = $taxpayer[1][1];
		// extract coordinates by searching through array
		for ($i = 0; $i < count($taxpayer); $i++) {
			for ($j = 0; $j < count($taxpayer[$i]); $j++) {
				if (preg_match('/EAST-(\d*) NRTH-(\d*)/', $taxpayer[$i][$j], $coord)) {
					$formPayer[14] = $coord[1];
					$formPayer[15] = $coord[2];		
		// extract acres
			for ($i = 0; $i < count($taxpayer); $i++) {
			for ($j = 0; $j < count($taxpayer[$i]); $j++) {
				if (preg_match('/ACRES *?(\d+)/', $taxpayer[$i][$j],$acres)) {
					$formPayer[16] = $acres[1];
				else if (preg_match('/ACRES/', $taxpayer[$i][$j])) {
					if (preg_match('/^([0-9.]+)/', $taxpayer[$i][$j+1], $acres)) $formPayer[16] = $acres[1];

	// extract full market value

			for ($i = 0; $i < count($taxpayer); $i++) {
			for ($j = 0; $j < count($taxpayer[$i]); $j++) {
				if (preg_match('/FULL MARKET VALUE *?(\d+)/', $taxpayer[$i][$j],$value)) {
					$formPayer[17] = str_replace(',','',$value[1]);
				else if (preg_match('/FULL MARKET VALUE/', $taxpayer[$i][$j])) {
					if (preg_match('/^([0-9,]+)/', $taxpayer[$i][$j+1], $value)) $formPayer[17] = str_replace(',','',$value[1]);
		// extract deed book info
			for ($i = 0; $i < count($taxpayer); $i++) {
				for ($j = 0; $j < count($taxpayer[$i]); $j++) {
					if (preg_match('/DEED BOOK *?(\d+) *?PG-(\d+)/', $taxpayer[$i][$j],$value)) {
						$formPayer[18] = $value[1];
						$formPayer[19] = $value[2];
					else if (preg_match('/DEED BOOK *?(\d+)/', $taxpayer[$i][$j],$value)) {
						$formPayer[18] = $value[1];
						if (isset($taxpayer[$i][$j+1]) && preg_match('/^PG-(\d+)/', $taxpayer[$i][$j+1], $value)) $formPayer[19] = $value[1];
			// county taxable amount
			for ($i = 0; $i < count($taxpayer); $i++) {
				for ($j = 0; $j < count($taxpayer[$i]); $j++) {
					if (preg_match('/COUNTY TAXABLE VALUE/', $taxpayer[$i][$j])) $formPayer[20] = chop(str_replace(',','',$taxpayer[$i][$j+1]));

		// school taxable amount
			for ($i = 0; $i < count($taxpayer); $i++) {
				for ($j = 0; $j < count($taxpayer[$i]); $j++) {
					if (preg_match('/SCHOOL TAXABLE VALUE/', $taxpayer[$i][$j])) $formPayer[21] = chop(str_replace(',','',$taxpayer[$i][$j+1]));
		// city taxable amount
			for ($i = 0; $i < count($taxpayer); $i++) {
				for ($j = 0; $j < count($taxpayer[$i]); $j++) {
					if (isset($taxpayer[$i][$j]) && preg_match('/^(CITY|TOWN)/', $taxpayer[$i][$j])) {
						if (isset($taxpayer[$i][$j+1]) && preg_match('/^TAXABLE VALUE/', $taxpayer[$i][$j+1])) $formPayer[22] =  chop(str_replace(',','',$taxpayer[$i][$j+2]));
		// field relating to solar power (for munis that have such laws)
		$formPayer[24] = '';
		for ($i = 0; $i < count($taxpayer); $i++) {
			for ($j = 0; $j < count($taxpayer[$i]); $j++) {
				if (preg_match('/solar/i', $taxpayer[$i][$j])) {
					$formPayer[24] .= "{$taxpayer[$i][$j]},";
		// STAR
		$formPayer[25] = '';
		for ($i = 0; $i < count($taxpayer); $i++) {
			for ($j = 0; $j < count($taxpayer[$i]); $j++) {
				if (preg_match('/ STAR/', $taxpayer[$i][$j])) {
					$formPayer[25] .= "{$taxpayer[$i][$j]},";
		// STAR
		$formPayer[26] = '';
		for ($i = 0; $i < count($taxpayer); $i++) {
			for ($j = 0; $j < count($taxpayer[$i]); $j++) {
				if (preg_match('/(VET WAR|CW_15_VET|VETWAR|VETDIS|VETERANS)/', $taxpayer[$i][$j])) {
					$formPayer[26] .= "{$taxpayer[$i][$j]},";
		$formPayer[27] = $taxpayer[2][1];	
		// columns 28+ are special districts
		$l = 28;
		foreach ($specialDistType as $type) {	
			$formPayer[$l] = '';
			for ($i = 0; $i < count($taxpayer); $i++) {
				for ($j = 0; $j < count($taxpayer[$i]); $j++) {
					if (isset($taxpayer[$i][$j]) && preg_match('/^(\w\w)(\d\d\d) (.*?)( TO|$|\d{2,})/', $taxpayer[$i][$j],$matches)) {
						if ($matches[1] == $type) $formPayer[$l] .= "{$matches[1]}{$matches[2]} {$matches[3]} ";
		// sort and add missing keys
		for ($i = 0; $i < count($formPayer); $i++) {
			if (!isset($formPayer[$i])) $formPayer[$i] = '';
				// shift onto the rolls county, town, village, swis
		for ($i = 0; $i < count($taxpayer); $i++) {
				if ($taxpayer[$i][0] != 'location') continue;
				// add array to line				
				for ($j = count($taxpayer[$i])-1; $j > 0; $j--) array_unshift($formPayer, $taxpayer[$i][$j]);
		$formTax[] = $formPayer;

		// lastly sort form by street and number
	    $addNum = array();
        $addSt = array();
        $own1 = array();
		for ($i = 0; $i < count($formTax); $i++) {
		  $addSt[] = $formTax[$i][6];
		  $addNum[] = $formTax[$i][5]; 
		  $own1[] =  $formTax[$i][7];

		// now apply sort
		array_multisort($addSt, SORT_ASC, 
				$own1, SORT_ASC, 

	echo "\nWriting to CSV ...";

	// print out form
	$output .=  '"Tax Roll","County","Town","Village","SWIS","Tax ID","Street Number","Street Name","Owner 1","Owner 2","Owner 3","Owner 4",'
				.'"Mail Address 1","Mail Address 2","Mail Address 3","Mail City","Mail State","Mail Zip",'
				.'"Property Type","East","North","Acres","Full Market Value","Deed Book","Deed Pg",'
				.'"County Value","School Value","Town Value","Full Street",'
	foreach ($specialDistType as $type) {
		$output .= "\"$type\",";
	$output .=  "\n";

	foreach ($formTax as $line) {
		$output .=  '"'.$town.'",';
		foreach ($line as $item) {
			$output .=  '"'.$item.'",';
		$output .=  "\n";
	// save output to file
	file_put_contents("output-csv/$town.csv", $output);
	echo " DONE\n";

// last, create a great big file
//system("cat output-csv/*.csv > all-property.csv");

system("zip output-csv/*");

Real Property Tax Law 1590 requires that municipalities post their tax rolls, within 10 days of the proposed and final rolls being approved. The rolls are generally searchable PDF files, but that isn't that helpful if you are trying to search and compare multiple properties or want to use the North-East Coordinate data to make a map.

This script -- which uses the Linux program pdfttext and other common Linux commands to convert the PDF to a text file, then processes it into a .CSV file that can be opened with a GIS program such as Quantum GIS or a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc.

Too Many Honorables? By Mary K. Mewborn

Too Many Honorables? By Mary K. Mewborn

Whether it is the roster of the Board of Governors of the Smithsonian Institution or the benefit committee of a typical Washington charity gala, there are always a number of names preceded by "Honorable,'' instead of the usual Mr., Mrs., Miss or Ms. How this came about in a country whose Constitution expressly forbids the granting of titles amuses some and irritates others. At the very least its widespread usage raises some eyebrows.

Traditionally the British use the "Hon.'' (originally abbreviated from "The Right Honorable Magnificence of Nobles''), to identify certain family members of hereditary barons and earls, i.e., their daughters, younger sons and the younger sons' wives. In America, however, such inherited titles were rare among the early colonists, and after independence there was no king to grant new ones.

That did not mean this country developed along totally egalitarian lines. Even in a democracy it was only natural that ways had to be found to distinguish the elite from the hoi polloi, the rulers from the ruled. The conferment of titles, although prevented by the Constitution, was effectively achieved by political success.

Why I Do Not Support The Police

Why I Do Not Support The Police

Notice that I did not say I am anti-cop (though many people will likely assume that anyway). I am not anti-cop because I recognize that some police officers are truly doing their jobs. They believe in justice, and follow the motto to โ€œprotect and serve.โ€ That being said, I do not support the police. I am anti-police. Not on an individual level, but on an institutional level. Because the institution of the police, whether you look at a single department or entire states, has proven to be persecutory and ruthless.

Allowing local governments to profit off drugs?

Local governments regularly express the need for increased sources of revenue. I have a suggestion to raise revenue — allow local police departments to sell heroin to addicts.๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿ’‰

Heroin is an addictive substance, which would mean it’s a dependable source of revenue. ๐Ÿ’ฐChemical addiction means that addicts will keep coming back to the local police department with large amounts of cash, and transactions can occur.๐Ÿ’ธ Existing police facilities can be used, so the cost of staffing such dispensaries would be low cost.๐Ÿšจ

Some people saying that the government shouldn’t be feeding the addictions of drug users. Most local governments would disagree.๐Ÿฏ They would note that 3% of all gross revenue from heroin sales is being put away to fund the needs of addicts to get treatment, should they have an addiction problem with heroin๐Ÿšฌ. In contrast, the sales of heroin is only intended for recreational users, NOT addicts, and those suffering from temporary pain.

Government is increasingly addicted to increased revenue so selling hard drugs like every other addict makes a lot of sense. ๐ŸšงSure it’s a deprived activity for government to exploit addicted individuals but it’s no different than government schemes to encourage commercial development of wild spaces to increase revenue. ๐Ÿธ

Before ‘Cat in the Hat,’ Dr. Seuss drew cartoons to fight America First, racism, fascism –

Before ‘Cat in the Hat,’ Dr. Seuss drew cartoons to fight America First, racism, fascism –

Nearly two decades before he gave us our favorite breakfast recipe in “Green Eggs and Ham,” (1960) Dr. Seuss used his sharp wit and even sharper pen to draw political cartoons.

On this day, Dr. Seuss was born Theodor Seuss Geisel in 1904, and while children across the nation put on their red-and-white striped top hats to read "Cat in the Hat" or "Fox in Socks," political junkies might flip through the digital archives at UC San Diego Library to survey the good doctor's work from the 1940s.

Dr. Seuss drew more than 400 satirical cartoons for the now defunct New York daily newspaper PM between 1941-1943.