Some fascinating picture of marble mining in Danby, Vermont. I've camped up that way in the National Forest but never been by any of the marble mines. I should think about going up there again, in the spring, once the forest service roads open again.
Saranac River from Rugar Woods
Taken on Saturday December 9, 2006 at Common Earth.
Trees can inspire us to look upwards. Taken at Point Au Roche.
Taken on Tuesday December 12, 2006 at Common Earth.
Although the potentially dangerous Frontenac Point Anomaly has no precise location, size or shape within Cargill Inc.’s vast salt mine under Cayuga Lake, the state purports to prohibit mining within 1000 feet of it.
How much is nature worth? It's the question at the heart of a landmark new report commissioned by the British government to evaluate the economic cost of continued environmental devastation.
The Review on the Economics of Biodiversity, totaling more than 600 pages and issued Tuesday, frames nature as a financial asset that provides humanity with food, water, shelter and "spiritual fulfillment."