Cole Hill State Forest

The 876-acre Cole Hill State Forest is located in the town of Berne in Albany County. Cole Hill and much of the surrounding areas were made up of the Van Rensselaer manor called Rensselaerwyck. Much of the estate was broken up in the early 19th century after tenants were tired of paying perpetual leases, leading to the Anti-Rent War. Cole Hill State Forest is managed by the multiple-use concept. Foresters plan complementary uses such as habitat diversity, recreation, water, wildlife, wood products and natural beauty so as to promote a healthy and useful forest. Recreational opportunities include hiking, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, hunting, fishing, trapping and wildlife viewing.

Snow Covered Tent Site

A little ways back, following the old road west from the gravel pit on Irish Hill Road, there is a campsite. It is a nice little campsite, on a westerly slope, about a 1/4 mile from the road.

Taken on Saturday December 25, 2010 at Cole Hill State Forest.