
Canada is a country in the northern part of North America. Its ten provinces and three territories extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean, covering 9.98 million square kilometres, making it the world’s second-largest country by total area.

Canada on track for its worst-ever wildfire season | Reuters

Canada on track for its worst-ever wildfire season | Reuters

anada is on track for its worst-ever year of wildfire destruction as warm and dry conditions are forecast to persist through to the end of the summer after an unprecedented start to the fire season, officials said on Monday.

Blazes are burning in nearly all Canadian provinces and territories, and federal government officials said their modeling shows increased wildfire risk in most of Canada through August.

RenΓ©-Levasseur Island

René-Levasseur Island is a large island in the centre of Lake Manicouagan in Quebec, Canada. Its highest peak is Mount Babel, at 952 m (3,123 feet), which is contained in the Louis-Babel Ecological Reserve. With a total area of 2,020 km2 (and a diameter of 50.7 km), the island is larger in area than the annular lake in which it is situated. René-Levasseur Island is the world's second largest lake island (the largest is Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron).

The geological structure was formed by the impact of a meteorite 214 million years ago. The meteorite is believed to have been about 5 km in diameter, and would have hit Earth at a speed of 17 km/s, the fifth most powerful known impact that Earth has seen. The impact of the meteorite formed a crater roughly 100 km in diameter, the centre of which forms the island known today. It became an artificial island when the Manicouagan reservoir was flooded in 1970, merging two crescent-shaped lakes: Mouchalagane Lake on the western side and Manicouagan Lake on the eastern side.

Meet the Guy Riding a Honda 3-Wheeler More Than 6,000 Miles Across Canada—In Winter

Meet the Guy Riding a Honda 3-Wheeler More Than 6,000 Miles Across Canada—In Winter

few words come to mind when off-road three-wheelers are brought up in conversation, but "safe" is not one of them. You wouldn't think to take such a rig on a cross-country road trip, then, but that's probably because you aren't Matt Webb. He's trekking across Canada as we speak—in the winter—on a Honda Big Red, all in memory of a departed friend. He also hopes to set a Guinness World Record in the process.

"Twenty years ago, I worked for a guy and my first purchase after getting that paycheck was a Big Red 250," Webb told me over the phone. "I drove that thing back and forth to work for a year."

Thousands head to Ottawa to protest restrictions : NPR

COVID in Canada: Thousands head to Ottawa to protest restrictions : NPR

OTTAWA, Ontario — Thousands of protesters gathered in Canada's capital on Saturday to protest vaccine mandates, masks and lockdowns.

The sounds of honking horns echoed around Ottawa's downtown core. A convoy of trucks and cars parked in around Parliament Hill with some parking on the grounds of the National War Memorial before police asked them to move.