
The rise of the McModern

The rise of the McModern

I never understood the appeal of McMansions. If you want to build a house of modern materials, why wouldn't you do a modern design rather then pretending to be old fashioned look make out of vinyl? Why wouldn't a modern home look more like Frank Lloyd Wright's designs, with lots of plate glass and long roof lines and lush landscaping around?

13 Tragically Demolished Buildings that Depict Our Ever-Changing Attitudes Toward Architecture

13 Tragically Demolished Buildings that Depict Our Ever-Changing Attitudes Toward Architecture

"Immortalized through photographs, drawings, and stories, buildings that have been demolished or completely renovated exist in the realm known as β€œlost architecture.” Either for economic or aesthetic reasons, the old gets torn down for the new, often to the disdain of community members and architects. But demolished buildings tell a story about the ever-changing politics of preservationβ€”and often, they tell it far better than buildings that were actually preserved ever could. As the architectural landscape continues to change around us, it is important to recognize our past, even if its traces have been eliminated from the physical world."

Why Don’t Green Buildings Live Up to Hype on Energy Efficiency?

Why Don’t Green Buildings Live Up to Hype on Energy Efficiency?

"Researchers have generally blamed the performance gap on careless work by builders, overly complicated energy-saving technology, or the bad behaviors of the eventual occupants of a building. But in a new study, Coley and his co-authors put much of the blame on inept energy modeling. The title of the study asks the provocative question β€œAre Modelers Literate?” Even more provocatively, a press release from the University of Bath likens the misleading claims about building energy performance to the Volkswagen emissions scandal, in which actual emissions from diesel engine cars were up to 40 times higher than β€œthe performance promised by the car manufacturer.”