Defensive Driving
I survived another defensive driving class. What did I learn? Driving is awful gory, violent activity that involves the killing and imprisonment of lots of nice children and teenagers. It’s also a leading killer of adults. I’m certain any society with a moral compass that opposes rampant senseless violence would ban motoring.
They didn’t cover in the class that driving causes climate change emissions and that cars are destroying our children’s hope of a livable future. Or that motoring is poisoning our air, literally causing thousands of heart attacks per year and burning the lungs out of our fellow humans. Automobile shredding debris is a leading source of landfill waste. Or is leading to more farm fields and woods being paved over.
Apparently six hours wasn’t enough time to cover such topics.
“America, land of the free, home of the auto dump. But man was born to wander.” – Renny Russell