December 22, 2016 nightΒ 

There is so much sadness, anger and fear these days watching Charlie Brown’s Christmas Special was so reaffirming. Christmas doesn’t have to be about all this commercialism, we don’t have to hate each other or be always so angry towards those who are different. Granted, I was glad to have taped the show in advance because the commercials were so obnoxious. I may save the edited version sans commercials on my backup drive for whenever I need a quick pick me up. 

37 degrees with a fair number of stars tonight. It was a very pleasant evening walk. Skipped the library tonight as I’ve gotten away from the late evening walks. A lot of people out on the streets tonight. More clouds later with a low around 28 degrees. Clearing in the morning then mostly sunny with a high around 41 come Friday afternoon.  The sun will rise at 7:22 am with the first light at 6:50 am, which is 27 seconds later then yesterday.

Definitely looking forward to spending a night in the wilderness this weekend and hopefully a mild January 2017 so I can spend many more nights in the woods.

There are so many people out there struggling this holiday season. People who work so hard but have so little. Proud, honest, hard working folk. I wish I could figure out how I could help or what causes I should give to this holiday season. I try to generous but there are so many people and organizations that are in need. I should do more but so many things are so far away from me in affluent Delmar. 

Nobody really knows what 2017 will bring, to a certain extent we are all victims to history. I know some very good people are proud and excited about the election of Trump. Other things he says are downright alarming. I just hope that he does what is right for our country, helps those in need, especially those in Appalachia, the Ozarks, down on the farm and in the rest of Rural America that are struggling so hard to make ends meet while government and the system is doing nothing except holding them back. I wish I knew the answer but I doubt liberalism or conservatism has all the solutions. 

Looking ahead, Ground Hog Day is in 6 weeks and Start of June is in 23 weeks.

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