Below is the code I am using to generate the crunched numbers for Albany County, for example my 2021 Albany County Election Spreadsheet
Below is the code I am using to generate the crunched numbers for Albany County, for example my 2021 Albany County Election Spreadsheet. Text is converted using pdftotext -layout 2021GeneralRecanvass.txt which converts the PDF to a structured text file for easier parsing. The Excel Writer library is used for extensive formatting of the file for easy reading and parsing. View this as a separate page for syntax highlighting.
from io import StringIO
import re
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# paths
# electionResultText = '/home/andy/Desktop/2021GeneralRecanvass.txt'
# enrollmentXLS = '/home/andy/enroll/nov21-Enrollment/AlbanyED_nov21.xlsx'
# outputPath = '/tmp/2021_albany_county_races.xlsx'
# electionResultText = '/home/andy/Documents/GIS.Data/election.districts/2020GeneralRecanvass.txt'
# enrollmentXLS = '/home/andy/enroll/nov20-Enrollment/AlbanyED_nov20.xlsx'
# outputPath = '/tmp/2020_albany_county_races.xlsx'
electionResultText = '/home/andy/Documents/GIS.Data/election.districts/2019'
enrollmentXLS = '/home/andy/enroll/nov19-Enrollment/AlbanyED_nov19.xlsx'
outputPath = '/tmp/2018_albany_county_races.xlsx'
# number to excel column letter
def letter(colNum):
import math
if colNum > 26:
return chr(ord('@')+math.floor(colNum/26))+chr(ord('@')+colNum%26)
return chr(ord('@')+colNum)
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", None)
pd.set_option("display.max_columns", None) # show everything when previewing
with open(electionResultText) as f:
data =
enroll = pd.read_excel(enrollmentXLS, header=4)
enroll = enroll[(enroll['STATUS']=='Active')][['ELECTION DIST', 'TOTAL']].dropna()
enroll['ELECTION DIST'] = enroll['ELECTION DIST'].astype(str).str.replace(' ',' ')
enroll['ELECTION DIST']=enroll['ELECTION DIST'].str.strip()
enroll['Enrollment'] = enroll['TOTAL']
enroll.drop(labels=['TOTAL'], axis=1, inplace=True)
# array containing election result dataframes
er = {}
# split each race which is divided by ten or more equal signs
for raceData in re.split('={10,}',data):
# blank out old data frame
df = None
# split lines
rows = raceData.split('\n')
race = ""
candidates = {}
startAt = 0
for i, line in enumerate(rows):
# find race name
if'VOTES\s*?PERCENT', line):
race = rows[i+1]
race = race.replace(' ',' ')
race = race.rstrip()
# find candidate names
for result in re.findall('(\d\d)\s*?=\s*?(\w.*?)\d', line):
candidates[int(result[0])] = result[1].rstrip()
# find start at location for CSV reader
if re.findall('-{5,}', line):
startAt = i+3
# skips enrollment stats, as the don't have candidates
if not candidates or not 2 in candidates:
if not race:
df = pd.read_csv(
df=df[df[0].str.contains('^\d{4}').fillna(False)] # ONLY ROWS STARTING WITH 4-DIGIT ED CODE
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # reset index so we can use it in formulas
df=df.rename(candidates,axis=1) # rename columns
df.iloc[:,1:]=df.iloc[:,1:].apply(pd.to_numeric) # make sure all columns are numeric
df.iloc[:,1:]=df.iloc[:,1:].convert_dtypes('int32') # cast columns to int32
# crunching
df.insert(1, 'Ballot', df.iloc[:,1:].convert_dtypes('int32').sum(axis=1)) # add total column
df.insert(2, 'Blanks', df['OVER VOTES'].convert_dtypes('int32')) # add blank
df.drop(labels=['OVER VOTES'], axis=1, inplace=True)
df['Blanks']+=df['UNDER VOTES'].convert_dtypes('int32') # add under votes
df.drop(labels=['UNDER VOTES'], axis=1, inplace=True)
df.insert(3, 'Canvas', '=F'+(df.index+2).map(str)+'-G'+(df.index+2).map(str))
df.insert(4, 'TO %', '=(F'+(df.index+2).map(str)+'/E'+(df.index+2).map(str)+')')
df.insert(5, 'DO %', '=(G'+(df.index+2).map(str)+'/F'+(df.index+2).map(str)+')')
# create check columns
df['CHECK'] = '=F'+(df.index+2).map(str)+'-G'+(df.index+2).map(str)
df['CHECK %'] = '=0'
# add percent columns
for i, col in enumerate(df.columns[6:-2]):
# check columns
if (len(df.columns)-i-2) > 0:
# add to check column
df['CHECK'] += '-'+letter(i+i+11)+(df.index+2).map(str)
# add check percent
df['CHECK %'] += '+'+letter(i+i+12)+(df.index+2).map(str)
# add percent
df.insert(i+i+7, col+' %', '=('+letter(i+i+11)+(df.index+2).map(str)+'/H'+(df.index+2).map(str)+')')
# add T W E Columns, drop combined field
df[['ED Code','Municipality','String','Ward','ED']]=df[0].str.extract('(\d\d\d\d)\s*?(.*?)(\s*?WARD\s*(\d*))?\s*?ED\s*(\d*)')
# temporary string used for data merge with enrollments
df['ELECTION DIST'] = df['Municipality'].str.strip().replace(' ',' ') + \
' '+df['Ward'].fillna(0).astype(str).str.zfill(3)+df['ED'].str.zfill(3).astype('str')
# merge on ED Key
df=df.merge(enroll, on='ELECTION DIST', how='left')
df=df.drop(0, axis=1)
df=df.drop(labels=['ELECTION DIST','String'],axis=1)
# move columns to proper order
cols = list(df.columns)
df = df[cols[-5:]+cols[:-5]]
df['Municipality'] = df['Municipality'].str.strip().replace(' ',' ') # remove whitespace around muni column
# array with election result dataframes
# write file
ew = pd.ExcelWriter(outputPath)
for i, race in enumerate(er):
raceStr = str(i+1)+' '+race
if (len(race)>28):
raceStr = str(i+1)+' '+race[:10] + '...' + race[-10:]
# disble header, manually write, as pre-defined headers can't be formatted
er[race].fillna(0).to_excel(ew,sheet_name=raceStr, index=False)
headForm ={'text_wrap': 1, 'font_family': 'Arial', 'bold': True ,
'valign': 'vcenter', 'align': 'center', 'bg_color': '#CCCCCC'})
for colnum, value in enumerate(er[race].columns.values):
ew.sheets[raceStr].write(0, colnum, value, headForm)
# set column width for all columns to 20, freeze panes
bodyForm ={'text_wrap': 1, 'font_family': 'Arial', 'num_format': '#,##0', 'valign': 'vcenter', 'align': 'right'})
bodyPerForm ={'text_wrap': 1, 'font_family': 'Arial', 'num_format': '0.0%', 'valign': 'vcenter', 'align': 'right'})
muniForm ={'text_wrap': 1, 'font_family': 'Arial', 'valign': 'vcenter', 'align': 'center'})
ew.sheets[raceStr].set_column('A1:A9999', 6, bodyForm)
ew.sheets[raceStr].set_column('B1:B9999', 15, muniForm)
ew.sheets[raceStr].set_column('C1:D9999', 4, bodyForm)
ew.sheets[raceStr].set_column('E1:H9999', 10, bodyForm)
ew.sheets[raceStr].set_column('I1:J9999', 10, bodyPerForm)
for colNum in range(11,40):
if colNum%2:
ew.sheets[raceStr].set_column(letter(colNum)+'1:'+letter(colNum)+'9999', 12, bodyForm)
ew.sheets[raceStr].set_column(letter(colNum)+'1:'+letter(colNum)+'9999', 12, bodyPerForm)