Another Good Jobs Report.

After another good jobs report, the spin doctors were out there talking about how bad the economy really is …. πŸ€”

The truth is any good economy is going to have it’s weaknesses and it’s problems. Poverty is always going to be a problem in certain parts of country — rural areas and those with more people of color. A good economy is helping to lift those boats, although there should be more targeted programs to help historically disadvantaged communities get the education and assistance they need to relocate to better jobs — if that’s what people want to do.

I don’t think it’s productive to dismiss the good economy because you don’t like the man in the White House, but we should also be realistic and recognize that not all gains are widely shared. We shouldn’t try to overheat an already roaring economy, but target those communities that need the most help now. We should also be contingent that a good economy won’t last forever and encourage people to prepare for the next downturn by savings and building more security into their lives.

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