A Frigid Wednesday

Good morning, Happy Frigid Wednesday. If the weatherman is to believed today’s negative 12 is the coldest day of the year. I still walked down to the Park and Ride, because that 8/10th of a mile always feels good regardless of the weather.

I wonder when I will be getting my truck back with the lift kit installed. Maybe today? I’m glad it’s done, regardless of the outcome. What’s done is done. If I don’t like it I can always sell truck. I hope I am happy with it.

After giving it a great deal of thought,Β  my new priority is to try to max out my Roth IRA each year going forward. I fully back funded it for 2014. I will also maintain my savings account with 12 months of money emergency expenses, and save some extra for the regear of my truck.

While I’ve pondered it a bit,Β but buying a house is not on my list of priorities. I like my cheap shitty apartment in the suburbs. It’s cheap, near the public library and I can take the bus to work, avoiding traffic or winter hassles. If I moved out in the county, I’d have to deal with commuting and probably buy a second car, because my jacked-up truck isn’t a cost-effective vehicle for commuting. Rather put the money I’d put into a house, I can put into retirement and my general investment account, index funds, stocks, and savings.

Plus, once it warms up a bit,Β I will be able to get out camping and spend time up in the woods again. Most of the fun of living out in the boonies, is you can make as much noise as you want, shoot guns, and burn things. I can do that in the woods on the weekends, but still have the convenience of being able to take the bus, walk to the park, library, and stores on the weekdays. I kind of like that life.

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