When the Baby Boomers Reach 65

One of the reasons for the recent decline in the labor force is the baby boomers are getting older.

When the Baby Boomers Reach Age 65
Year Born Year Reaches Age 65 Babies Born
1946 2011 3,411,000
1947 2012 3,817,000
1948 2013 3,637,000
1949 2014 3,649,000
1950 2015 3,632,000
1951 2016 3,820,000
1952 2017 3,909,000
1953 2018 3,959,000
1954 2019 4,071,000
1955 2020 4,097,000
1956 2021 4,210,000
1957 2022 4,300,000
1958 2023 4,246,000
1959 2024 4,244,796
1960 2025 4,257,850
1961 2026 4,268,326
1962 2027 4,167,362
1963 2028 4,098,020
1964 2029 4,027,490
Andy Arthur, 3/24/23
Data Source: CDC Fertility Data. data.cdc.gov/widgets/e6fc-ccez