Dyken Pond Road

Heading up New York 2 past Dyken Pond Road and the Brunswick Sportsmen Club. Never been to the Dyken Pond Preserve, I should explore that some day.

Taken on Friday May 1, 2020 at Taconics.

Cook less! πŸ§‘β€πŸ³

As I’ve gotten into healthy eating, one of the things I’ve been watching more is videos about cooking. The thing about so many of the cooking videos is the emphasis on palatability over nutrition.

Sometimes for food safety you have to cook food to kill off bacteria. That’s a given. But often cooking also destroys nutrients in the food and often encourages adding salt, fat and sugar to mask the raw healthy flavors. Cooking makes food easier to swallow and digest, which means you can eat more of it quicker.

A call to cook less shouldn’t be interpreted as a call to outsource your cooking. A processed or pre cooked food is still cooked by someone else. Your eating the product of cooking. Outsourcing doesn’t mean your cooking less. Your just giving the harmful dirty deed to someone else while depriving yourself of nutrition.