Daily Update – April 11, 2022

Good morning! Monday’s come back around again. 🀯

Yikes it has so quickly and I’m struggling to get going this morning. Still struggling to get back on a regular schedule after those all nighters over Friday and Saturday.

Sunny and 35 degrees in Delmar, NY. 🌞 Calm wind. Nice morning. πŸŒ…

As session is done for the next two weeks, πŸ‘¨‍🌾 no need to dress up so I’m taking the express bus 🚍 downtown, though not the earlier one as I’m struggling to get going. My alarm ⏰ clock was turned off and I wasn’t going to well after 6:30 which is very late for me.

I am just very drowsy this morning, 😴 which I don’t understand because I was in bed by 8 PM and asleep by nine. I slept well until after 6 AM this morning. All weekend I’ve been struggling to recover a bit.

Catching the later express bus in this morning means less time to walk, 🚢‍♀️ but it will be a nice-day midday, and I’ll probably walk up in Washington Park and by the time I’m home this evening will likely have my steps in. Assuming I don’t go to the park later.

I am thinking about going to the store today, πŸͺ although maybe I’ll wait until tomorrow. I also want to wash any remaining salt off my truck. 🐦 It’s such a nice day, maybe it would be better to walk down to the town park before it gets dark.