Jessup River

This evening I got my truck intertube I bought last week out on the Jessup River. I haven't floated in one of them in 25 years... Great fun! Though I think next time I use it I'll bring a full kayak paddle not a half paddle. Or just use my hands, which worked fine. 

Something about the old fashioned rubber intertube - that brought me back to being a little kid when either my grandfather got me one or maybe it was my parents had from the 1970s. It's just such a throw back to a different era - it could have easily been 1951, laying on that rubber tube, looking up at the trees and the darkening skies, gently floating down the river.

Now I get that they sell modern swimming tubes on Amazon or at Wally World, the kind with handles and drink holders,  painted bright colors of your favorite sports team or with penguins on it. But nothing beats the feeling of an old fashioned truck semi intertube. The light smell of the rubber and its warmth of the black rubber, the feeling it has you lay on it, and even the metal valve stem even if you lean over too far.

Maybe it's just nostalgia. But it's fun laying back in the water, floating down the stream like one might have done 70 years ago.

Taken on Friday September 3, 2021 at Perkins Clearing and Speculator Tree Farm Conservation Easement Lands.


Northeast Begins To Recover After Ida Leaves Dozens Dead, Buildings Damaged : NPR

President Biden plans to visit New York and New Jersey on Tuesday to survey the damage wrought when remnants of Hurricane Ida struck several states in the Northeast with ferocity this week, thrashing the region several days after making landfall on the Gulf Coast.

At least 49 people are confirmed dead, and in some areas, the search continues for missing people. Recovery efforts remain underway.

There was "just the right mix of weather conditions" in place for Ida to unleash devastating floods and even tornadoes on parts of the region, Tripti Bhattacharya, an assistant professor of earth and environmental sciences at Syracuse University, told NPR. Scientists say climate change is creating the conditions to make such storms more intense.

It may take some time to rebound from the storm.

Geo Maher’s ‘A World Without Police’ On Abolishing The Police : NPR

Book Review: Geo Maher’s ‘A World Without Police’ On Abolishing The Police : NPR

Details that have come into focus after the attack on Capitol Hill on January 6 have made clear, Maher writes, just how the police and the violent far-right of this country blur together. Neither Ahmaud Arbery nor Trayvon Martin, among countless others, were killed by active police officers, but they were nonetheless killed by what Maher calls the "pig majority" — which includes not just police but their "volunteer deputies...the judges, the courts, the juries, and the grand juries... the mayors and the district attorneys who demand 'law and order'... the racist media apparatus that bends over backwards to turn victims into aggressors." As Tupac Shakur famously put it, the police is "the biggest gang in America," Maher contends.