Welcome To The How To Hunt Deer Podcast

Welcome To The How To Hunt Deer Podcast


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Welcome to the “How To Hunt Deer” podcast. This podcast series was designed to educate those who are interested in becoming deer hunters. We cover a variety of topics like where to find deer, how to choose your weapon, and how to process your harvest. All this information will help you be more comfortable and confident in the field while hunting deer. This podcast was created and produced by the National Deer Association and the Sportsmen’s Nation Podcast Network. How To Hunt Deer Podcast is Powered by Simplecast

Buildings Built in the Capital Region in 2020

While 2020 was the year of the pandemic, you can see that several buildings were constructed in Capital Region during that year according update assessment records provided by NYS GIS.

Fund Single Payer Out of Existing Taxes

It bothers me that the only way that is being proposed to implement a new single payer healthcare system is to create a new tax.Β Why not fund single-payer healthcare out of existing taxes? Couldn’t enough fat and waste in government be cut to fund a new single payer healthcare benefit?

The United States Government, along with the many governments at the State and Local-level serve many more purposes and functions then they did in years past. While many of them are meaningful, there is also a lot of waste, fraud and abuse. Local government in particular is notoriously duplicative, when most local government functions could be provided by the state government.

I suggest radically downsizing the military and local police forces. We don’t need to be preparing against the next Soviet invasion, as the USSR is no more and cold war is history. Close prisons and jails, get rid of costly laws, like those against minor crimes and drug abuse. Allow private citizens and corporations to sue for monetary compensation, as a deterrent against property theft and minor injury or damage caused by criminals. Limit criminal appeals, replace long prison sentences with the death penalty. There is no reason to feed and clothe millions of people that offer nothing more for society.

Put spending caps on medical professionals and doctors, limit spending at both primary schools and colleges. People can make existing resources go further, there is no need for always investing in the latest technology or a fancy new building. Just make everything go further. Make everything in education and healthcare lower cost.

And remember all the savings that could be gotten by eliminating Medicaid and Medicare, along with regulations on Healthcare Companies. All that money could be put into the single-payer pot.Β 

I think before we propose a new tax to fund healthcare for all in our country, we should be looking harder at cutting existing spending in governemnt.