Yale’s David Swensen Leaves Behind A Powerful Legacy In Investing : NPR

A pioneering investor who ran Yale University's endowment, David Swensen, died this week at the age of 67 after a years-long battle with cancer. Swensen revolutionized the way many colleges invest, infusing some schools and nonprofits with vastly more resources to pay for things like financial aid for students and research.

Swensen was widely regarded by other investors as one of the greatest in the world. Case in point: He grew Yale's endowment from $1 billion in 1985 to $31 billion last year.

It annoys me that in the era of the internet, you can’t fill out the 4473 from home, and have your completed background check done before you get to the gun shop, and just hand them the confirmation number, no wait or delay

It annoys me that in the era of the internet, you can’t fill out the 4473 from home, and have your completed background check done before you get to the gun shop, and just hand them the confirmation number, no wait or delay. The system is so ass backwards, if something is in delay, I would rather know before I waste my time driving to the gun shop, looking at guns etc. 

Science doesn’t mandate βš—οΈ

Science doesn’t mandate βš—οΈ

Few thing annoy me more than when people use scientific evidence to say that a political policy is required. Science doesn’t give us values, it instead gives us probabilistic outcomes and evidence of what is likely to happen should any one course of action be persued. Science isn’t a moralistic cause, it’s not church but a way to gather facts to guide policy options.