Bradt Hollow Cemetery

I stopped by the Bradt Hollow cemetery to see how many people died during the 1917-18 pandemic πŸ˜”

None I could find but a couple people that died at age 18. Must of have been a a hard life homesteading and farming in these remote hills but also quite beautiful and remote. There is just something so wonderful about these rural and remote roads in the hills.

Road hikes

Road hikes are good this time of year. 🚢🏻

Road hikes are good this time of year, especially hardened gravel seasonal use roads that are closed to motor vehicles. Not likely to see many people this time of year for example hiking Piseco-Powley Road or West Road in Wells but you will see a lot of wildlife. Might not even need boots in such roads to the extent their snow free.


Been thinking about writing some code to style a ArcGIS FeatureServer output based on data I’ve joined and do that as a fast to create and load maps, especially of large datasets like every municipality in New York State or every county in the United States. Most counties and the census bureau now provide FeatureServer data.

As the ArcGIS feature server does all the simplification server side and the client only requests objects in the bounding box, in theory it could be a lot faster loading. It would be neat with the new block level census data coming out for redistricting purposes and all the other public data from LATFOR including counts by race and past election results.