
Foam from Auger Falls churning away below.

Taken on Sunday April 19, 2020 at Auger Falls.


As you can see, Teachout Road still needs a little work before it can be re-openned.

Taken on Sunday April 19, 2020 at Auger Falls.

US Supreme Court Rules Against Maui In Major Clean Water Case

US Supreme Court Rules Against Maui In Major Clean Water Case

The case revolves around a Maui County wastewater treatment plan in Lahaina that pumps millions of gallons of treated sewage into the groundwater each day using underground injection wells.

That groundwater, mixed with treated sewage, then travels underground and seeps into the ocean where studies have shown that it promotes algae growth that suffocates and kills the coral reefs and other marine life.

Several environmental groups, including the Hawaii Wildlife Fund, Sierra Club-Maui Group, Surfrider Foundation and West Maui Preservation Association, filed a lawsuit in 2012, saying that the county needed a permit under the Clean Water Act if it was going to discharge pollutants into a federal waterway. The lower courts agreed, citing long-standing interpretations of the law.

The Lab That Discovered Global Warming Has Good News and Bad News – The New York Times

The Lab That Discovered Global Warming Has Good News and Bad News – The New York Times

One thing that keeps public health officials up at night: the deadly combination of extreme heat and humidity, which can push humans beyond our biological limit.

“There are places like the Persian Gulf, where we are already beginning to see these lethal combinations emerge, where it is thermodynamically impossible to sweat fast enough to stay cool,” Dr. Horton said. “Climate models need to be better designed to help communities around the world prepare for previously underappreciated risks like this.”

Dr. Horton is consulting with New York’s power company, Con Edison, which is upgrading its infrastructure to prepare for anticipated spikes in peak demand from air-conditioner use during the projected hotter summers ahead. He is also working with the city as it plans an eventual “managed retreat” from some low-lying neighborhoods like coastal Staten Island and the Rockaways, Que ens.