Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Ultimately maybe I could have headed out of town this weekend, πŸ•οΈ but that's behind me and I found ways to be busy and have fun riding down to Henry Hudson and Hollyhock Preserve this weekend. And doing lots of reading. I'm hoping for better weather next weekend, but maybe it's time to get out of town regardless.

Having a broken cellphone really sucks πŸ“²

I have never been one for fancy technology, and my cellphone is a very basic smartphone — Samsung A2S. But ever since I’ve gotten it I’ve had issues with the touch screen misfiring, and over time it’s only gotten worse. It gotten to the point where even typing short blog posts on the phone has gotten difficult. When reading a book or browsing social media, the random clicks often mean I’m off navigating to the wrong page.

I should just order another basic $50-100 smartphone from StraightTalk. It’s fine, but I just have been avoiding the expense and being stuck with another smartphone to get rid of. I know that Walmart, Staples and many other places take back junk phones for recycling, and that’s the proper way to do it — and I should collect up the many junk old phones I have around — because they kind of stink, go pop, and probably are quite toxic if you toss them in a fire. But I’m tired of just having more stuff, more broken stuff, more junk to become clutter or get rid of. I wish things would just work, even though I’ve had the same phone going on three years now, which isn’t bad for an $50 smartphone.

A Break in the Clouds Yesterday

For a while things were actually quite clear and nice down along the Hudson Valley, like when I was down by the river, but it certainly did not last for long.