May 2, 2016 Morning

Kind of a gray and cool start to the work week. Currently 46 degrees and cloudy but rain is expected midday. The bus has departed the station and we are on the way downtown. My priority this morning is updating my time sheet, because I was told if I don’t do it they’ll suspend my direct deposit. Plus all the other stuff I missed when I was off from work.

Later today there is an increasing chance of rain with a high around 56. That’s nine degrees below average for this time of year. Being back east in the state, the sun will be setting around 7:57 pm.

Going to help Reszin stuff newsletters after work today. Then I will head home and probably work on developing some new content for the blog. I am still working on implementing the new design and I need some new maps for the blog. Might go to the library, depending if it’s raining or not.

Traffic is moving slowly on the 787 heading downtown. I’m fine with that as I’m in no rush to get to work and gives me more time to blog. I hate the evening rush more and being delayed on the way home.

Four weeks from now will be Memorial Day. How fast it will be upon us. I don’t really have plans for it at this point. It can be either quite nice or cold and rainy.

May 1, 2016 Night

Good evening on this May Day. 45 degrees and light rain this evening back in Delmar. It was a nice trip out to the Finger Lakes despite weather that felt more like winter than summer. Hector Backbone and the Finger Lakes National Forest doesn’t see spring until late, and this year it seems like spring is moving slower than usual. I think it was the most cold and miserable weather I’ve ever experienced camping but I still had fun and did a lot of hiking, fishing and camping.

Dropping down to 42 later with a 30% chance of showers. Rain is likely tomorrow with a high only around 55 degrees which is ten degrees below normal. The cool, gray, and wet weather that dominated last week is expected to continue for most of next week. The rain will dampen down the fire risk and hopefully finally green things up. Warmer weather for the second half of the week into the weekend with seasonable or slightly above average temperatures but continued cloudiness with a chance of rain.

Need to come up with some new content for the blog. I downloaded some census data, next I need to turn it into some maps and graphs. We will see when I have time. Not tonight though as I’m dead tired.

My gear is unpacked from camping and my wash is done and put away. Camping gear is back in the attic. Vacuumed the floors. Ready for the next week. Tired so I’m off to bed. Good night.