May 15, 2016 Afternoon

Good afternoon. Cloudy and cold morning today around 51 degrees. Blustery with a wind from West-Northwest 22 mph, with gusts up to 32 mph. Definitely watch for the cross winds on the roads especially if you have a big jacked up truck. Going to be a gray day, I don’t expect a lot of sun today but maybe it will peak out for a while this afternoon. Regardless it will be cold with the wind, gray skies and a chance of rain throughout the day.

Yesterday was the Lupine Festival at the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission headquarters. It turned out to be a nice day, getting fairly warm and the rain held off to evening. I was dead tired last evening and slept for a while then played on my laptop and watched a rather strange program on race on PBS World Channel.

Made pancakes this morning. Then a few more maps for the blog. Then fixed the messed up maps. This week will feature Southern Madison County and Northern Chenango County. Also Pennsylvania Census data. Been cleaning up around the apartment.

May 14, 2016 Morning

Good Happy Saturday Morning. 57 degrees and sunny this morning. The front has stalled out so it’s looks like the bulk of the day will be fairly decent with a high around 74. Clouds really start creeping in this afternoon after 1 pm with the best chance of rain from thunderstorms after 4 pm.

Lupine Festival at the Albany Pine Bush Discovery Center today. I’ll be there from 11-3 with the Save the Pine Bush kiosk. Should be a nice day.