Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Summertime! πŸ–οΈ And the livin' is easy. Or so we will pretend, for a few minutes spent in the willderness in the swimming hole. And my mind drifts to afternoons at the Potholers in the heat which will certainly return once the black flies go into the hiding.

Stocking up on that single-use plastic and source seperated organic waste 🍎

Grocery shopping at Walmart this morning, that was kind of my thought, all those plastic wrappers soon to be compressed and used for getting a rip-roaring fire going while I crack open a cold one and listen to some country music with my cowboy hat on. Recycling you might call it although I rarely separate out and wash out those plastic containers anymore for designated scrappage bin, especially in the summer months. Just don’t tell Pete Grannis and his gestapo.

I have much less packaging trash then most people, especially these days,  πŸ₯¦ 🫘 🍌 as I tend to buy raw ingredients in their natural form then anything processed, though a lot of things like beans and rice come wrapped in plastic, along with the plastic containers that kefir, milk, cottage cheese, parmesan cheese and spices come in. The sardines, canned tomatoes and pumpkin are in tin cans, which despite being a pain to wash out, will be saved for the transfer station, because I’m green and I don’t really like the landfills. ♻️

$110 bucks later of food and supplies I’m good for next week — I don’t generally go to any stores or spend money mid-week if I can avoid it. πŸ’Έ Maybe if I head out of town on Friday I’ll stop and get some missing supplies and fuel, ⛽️ but you won’t see me doing that quick processed food that comes in all that plastic. Truth be told, if anything I’m more annoyed with how much plastic and non-plastic crap you buy that supposedly is a durable good, but quickly falls apart and needs to be discarded. Especially that stuff with the fancy label,  🏷️that you think are buying is quality but is e-waste garbage in a few weeks of use. The stuff you know that should really be recycled but is basically impossible to do without going way out of your way.

Lunch today was sardines plus fried asparagus, onions in olive oil coated with a light coating of whole-wheat flower. πŸ§…πŸ₯’πŸŸοΈ I get that sardines are smelly but they are so tasty and filling, a good source of omega-3 fatty acids that aren’t high in mercury or persistent organic pollutants. Relatively cheap too. Asaparagus is good this time of year, and I’ve had a thing for breading since I last night when I was at my parents house and had onion rings πŸ” with the burgers they had. Sometimes I’ll have junk food, like at my parents house, but I generally avoid it especially at home. Since getting into being healthy, I have developed kind of weird tastes, but I also like things that fuel my body up without killing me, taste good, don’t have excessive garbage attached, and are relatively affordable in these inflationary times. πŸ’°οΈ

This afternoon I am going to head down to the library. πŸ“šοΈ I want to work on the blog a bit, and install R Studio on my work laptop so I have access to the scripts I use for processing data exports on the laptop. Maybe I’ll check out some books, though mostly I am reading E-Books at this point as they are more portable, don’t have to worry about them getting wet and damaged. I love the Libby and Hoopla app. Between the two you really have a good selection, plus audio books can be listened to while you ride. 🚲

Then later in the evening I am going to ride out to Voorheesville and maybe Altamont, 🚡‍♀️ or maybe jsut Five Rivers. Anywhere off-trail is bound to be pretty wet though for riding. Figure get some good exercise in. Then come up and fry up some of the zucchuni I bought at the store. πŸ† That’s always a good meal. I’m just waiting until I can get it fresh and cheap, as that’s the time of the year really to be enjoying it until your tired. Or maybe I’ll just go out to Five Rivers on the bike to read. The one thing I do have to worry about is random rain showers that could leave me quite wet.

Triple Continental Divide in Pennsylvania

Triple Continental Divide in Pennsylvania [Expires November 15 2023]

Pennsylvania has is home to Triple Continental Divide in Potter County. Situated in close proximity to Gold, PA, to the north of Route 6, this location marks the origin of three significant rivers: the Allegheny River, the Genesee River, and Pine Creek. It is the sole Triple Continental Divide found east of the Mississippi River in the United States.