Search Results for: photo campsite 2 2

Campsite at Rossman Pond

This is one of the many informal campsites in the area. None of them have designated markers, and don't comply with state set backs, but as witnessed by the wear and tear on the grass, and mention in the Unit Management Plan, they are well used and recognized as such.

Taken on Saturday August 28, 2010 at Mallet Pond State Forest.

Dexter Lake

Dexter Lake is one of smaller lakes in Ferris Lake Wild Forest, known mostly for it's heart shape and how it's very centrally located in forest, in pretty remote country. There is one campsite on western shore on the Dry Lake Trail.

Taken on Sunday August 15, 2021 at Ferris Lake Wild Forest.

Ferris Lake

For a long time I've wanted to hike back to Ferris Lake but it's not the easiest hike ever as you have to either cross the East Canada Creek or Black Cat Creek, both of which are muddy and difficult to wade across -- I got up to my knees in mud trying to cross the north fork of the East Canada Creek behind Campsite 12. Ended up putting in my kayak under Powley Bridge, and paddling to Franks Pond Outlet, bushwhacking on the ridge around Franks Pond and then heading down the hill to Ferris Lake. It's less then a mile from Piseco-Powley Road but the terrian makes it challenging if not impossible to access Ferris Lake without a canoe or kayak to get across what seems like a relatively small creek.

Taken on Saturday July 6, 2024 at Ferris Lake Wild Forest.