Search Results for: "OrthoPhoto:"

Niagara Falls

Ortho Niagara Falls

While much of the city of Niagara Falls, NY is quite blighted and the downtown and park has seen better days, it's still a great natural wonder, as seen by this orthophoto overlooking the falls and both the US and Canadian side of this natural wonder. I've been lucky enough to see the fall multiple times on work trips, and it's really beautiful, especially at night.

Lake Colden

Ortho Lake Colden

Lake Colden is a 41-acre lake located at 2,764 feet at the western base of 4,714-foot Mount Colden

Little Falls and Moss Island 1957 in 3D

Little Falls and Moss Island 1957 in 3D

Most of the digital elevation models are from 1954 and they pair well with old aerial photos to make a remarkably thrilling 3D rendering of the former city.