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Spring 2014 Camping Plans

Typically the first spring weekend is the earliest time in shoulder season for roadside camping in this part of the country. Often by that weekend, many of the back-roads are relatively free of snow that in drier locations, roadside camping is possible.

Shoulder-season camping can be somewhat tricky as snow and mud stays a long time in the back woods of the mountains, and it’s usually still fairly cold and the days are still relatively short, however it can be done if due care is well planned.


Early April – Wilcox Lake Wild Forest

My first camping trip of the year will probably be a weekend trip up to Wilcox Lake Wild Forest. Depending on the snow and mud conditions, I may camp off of NY Route 8 or possibly Hope Falls Road. I’d rather do Hope Falls road and maybe hike along Stony Creek, but I am not sure if it’s possible that early in the year. NY 8 is nice except for all the noise pollution from traffic.

Might do some hiking back to one of the lakes or trails in the region that I haven’t done lately. Might try some trout fishing up in the East Branch of the Sacandaga River.


Late April – Finger Lakes National Forest

The first big trip I plan to take is the Finger Lakes National Forest. I am thinking of taking off a Thursday and Friday, and doing a three night trip out there. It’s a bit ofΒ  a drive out there, but the Finger Lakes are pretty, and by late April should be greening up. I enjoy seeing the open and wild farm country out there. Probably visit some of the state parks out there. I don’t have an Empire Pass this year, but I suspect most state parks won’t be charging on a Thursday or Friday in April. I might dip down to Pennsylvania for a bit on the return trip.

Very Soggy Riding

Early May – Vanderwhacker Wild Forest

Assuming the snow is gone relatively early and the ground is relatively dry, I may go up to Vanderwhacker Wild Forest and camp along Moose Club Way or North Club Road. Those roads can be soft in the spring time, but a lot depends on the weather. There always is the campsites along NY 28N as another option.

 Cold Afternoon on Mary Smith Hill

Mid-May – Mary Jane Hill and Western Catskills

I want to spend more time in Western Catskills this year. While it’s a bit of a drive, now that I know about a few of the roadside campsites up that way, I have a place to base my camp out. I only have a preliminary idea of what is back there from the two nights I spent out there on Veterans Day Weekend. There looks to be a lot of interesting and unexplored land out there.

It’s a bit of drive down there, but mileage wise, it isn’t awful. It might be a relatively quick drive if I take the Thruway to NY 28 then go straight across to NY 30. I also want to check outΒ Tomannex State Forest in HancockΒ  I heard a rumor on the Internet that there is some nice roadside camping along the East Branch of the Delaware River down there, not to mention good fishing opportunities.

A Break in the Rain?

Memorial Day Weekend – Moose River Plains

Memorial Day Weekend I always like do something fun where I am way back in the woods. Maybe Moose River Plains. That said this year, I will not be going up there if most of the weekend is for cold pouring rain or snow. I did that last year, and it was miserable. I may have told myself repeatably that camping out in the rain was more fun then being stuck back in the city, but I was pretty much lying to myself.

Bingo Brook Road

Early June – Southern Green Mountains

The Southern Green Mountains are always nice to visit. The Deerfield River is pretty and there are some nice truck trails and hikes up in the area. Maybe hike Mount Greylock then drive north and camp on one of the forest roads not too far back from VT 9. Always fun to visit Vermont and spend time in other states.

Hanging Out at Camp

Mid-June – Brookfield, Central NY

I am usually on-call for several weeks in June, so I need to be somewhere where I have cellphone service. I have good cellphone service at Charles Baker State Forest. Maybe do some paddling and fishing on one of the creeks or ponds around there. The Rogers Environmental Education Center is always delightful in the early spring.

A list of trip ideas I have for the months of April, May, and June as we move from shoulder season to spring to summer. Also known as the first 1,500 miles.

Gorging on Gorges, An Adventure, Day 2

I awoke for Day 2 of Gorging on Gorges, and it was a fairly warm morning, at least for the day before Columbus Day, in the back country of the Finger Lakes National Forest. I decided I wanted a full breakfast this morning, so I got some sausage frying up, the coffee peculator doing its thing, then scrambled some eggs with mushrooms and sweet peppers. It was a good breakfast. Packed up my gear, folded the flag, headed out on Potamac Road, and stopped grab a few pictures of the pastures along the road.

Potamac Road 2

Driving along all these back-country roads, I was amazed during most of my trip in New York State, on how many anti-SAFE Act signs there were in front of houses and farms along the way. If there ever was an issue that galvinized the backwoods of Upstate NY, it has to be that stupid gun law. I would reminded of the opposition to the SAFE Act all week, until I finally crossed into Pennsylvania state-line – the last SAFE Act sign ended a ΒΌ mile before I left the state. I bet you that poor dairy farmer, was awful pissed to live on the wrong side of an imaginary line, so they had to be subjected to stupid laws, high taxes, and anti-farm regulations.

Across the Gorge

Drove down to Trumansburg and then to Taughannock Falls State Park’s Gorge Overlook. The main overlook, next to the parking lot was a complete tourist trap, with dozens of tourists, many obviously traveling a long ways to get there, crowded around the overlook deck, as everyone – myself included – scrambled to get that one trademark photo of the falls. I was glad to get away from that overlook.

Started along the North Rim trail along the gorge. I was looking for secret places to find isolated, beautiful views of fall, and the hike did not disappoint. I found one perfectly shrouded in colorful fall leaves, but with a view of falls. I snapped a picture. I continued along, and found some good views in the gorge, showing the depth and width it below the falls. Then I ran into Robin Smith and his wife – Twitter and Facebook friend. Chatted for five minutes, then I proceeded on.

A Secret Spot for Observing the Falls

In part, I was in a bit of a rush, trying to find a place to take a piss. All that coffee plus maybe an eye-opener drink wasn’t great for the bladder. There also were a few to many people around to do it right on trail, especially being so close to the road most of way. But eventually I did it, and was on my way.

The North Rim trail runs into the Black Diamond Trail, which crosses an old railroad bridge, converted to a hiking trail via some concrete slaps and fence placed on it. The high, old railroad trestle provides views of a smaller, upper waterfalls and the little known, but quite impressive upper gorge. The upper gorge, above the falls, is a deep, narrow, but beautiful gorge where the Taughannock Creek runs, cutting deep into the valley. For the best views, you have to take the South Rim trail, which is what I took next.

Upper Gorge

The South Rim trail is impressive. There is the big parking lot from the Gorge Overlook on Taughannock Road, or you can alternatively take Gorge Road, and halfway down it, park in the smallish pull-off. Don’t miss it though. If you follow the South Rim Trail, there are some views of the gorge below the falls, and one view of the gorge, extending out to Seneca Lake.

I hiked back to my pickup truck, and then drove down to the main part of Taughannock Falls State Park. I parked in main portion of the park, rather then the always crowded and tight to park in lot next to the trail to Gorge Trail, which runs inside the gorge to below the falls. Not wanting my truck damaged by an overly excited tourist, I figured it’s always safer to park in an empty lot. Walked down to Seneca Lake, and noticed how green the trees were still on the lake shore. This contrasts to sections of US 20, the previous day, where the colors were burnt out to say the least. I was also surprised to see the AES Cayuga in Lansing, across the lake, burning coal today. They must keep in standby for when the line frequency drops to low locally. Stopped in the bathrooms at Taughannock Falls State Park, which were just very gross – clean, but rusty and in old shape – like so many state facilities.

AES Cayuga Coal Plant in Lansing

Then I hiked along the gorge trail to the fall, taking several moments to stop and take photos, and explore the river bed. I had previously been here, in mid-July, but it certainly was different now that fall was in full swing. The trail was popular, and in some places, downright crowded, but the riverbed, at least as far as one could hike, wasn’t nearly as crowded. The gorge walls were pretty with the fall leaves, although by the time I got the falls, the sun was right over the top of the waterfalls, so most of the pictures of the falls came out pretty poorly.

The Falls From Below

Headed back to the truck, then drove down to Ithaca. The traffic was as awful as always in that city. I had stop at the pharmacy, then it was off to Buttermilk Falls State Park. I was surprised they were still charging – the last day must be Columbus Day. By now, it was too late to keep Robert Treman State Park on my list; that will have to wait until tomorrow. This time, I intentionally hiked up the North Rim trail, up to West King Road, then down into the gorge. Last November, I hiked up the gorge, so I figured it would be interesting to go the other way this time.

North Rim Trail

Hiking down Buttermilk Falls was scenic, but not as a scenic as I remember it. Maybe after all this time hiking in gorges and exploring the gorges, they also start to look a bit alike – and we are only day two. It’s more scenic then most of other glens, besides Enfield Glen and Watkins Glen, but it’s still a step below them. The gorge swimming pool at the bottom of the gorge it was nice.

 An Autumn Afternoon at the Falls

It was a good hike, until descending the slippery stairs, I slipped, and dropped my camera, and it fell like 20 feet, hitting a dozen of the stone stairs before coming to a rest. The fall did some serious damage to the camera, as one might expect. The protective UV filter was shattered, the case was cracked up the lens. I was not pleased, to say the least. There may have been a few cuss words. But so be it. The camera was under a drop warranty that I bought when I got it, but I was more worried that the fall would damage the camera, so I would be out of luck for taking more pictures for the rest of the trip.

I might have been pissed at myself for my careless handling and missteps, for a little while, cussed myself out. I was less pissed when I discovered the lens wasn’t destroyed, only the $5 UV filter. The camera seemed to continue to work well, although the flash doesn’t always pop up – a feature I almost never use at any rate. The camera seemed to work okay, and I picked up a second UV filter at Walmart later in the evening. Later in the week, I noticed the automatic focus was sticking – fortunately I have a drop warranty on the lens too. One of these days, I will get around to sending the camera back to the factory for warranty repairs or replacement.

Nice Little Falls

Once I got over the shock, anger, and amusement of smashing up my camera, and got the shattered UV filter off the camera – it took a little fiddling, as the impact of the fall bent the ring – I enjoyed the remaining hike and vistas of falls. Snapped several other quite nice pictures. Went to Walmart to pick up a few supplies, then back to Finger Lakes National Forest, for another evening at camp.

When I drove up to the campsites on Chicken Coop Road, I was pleasantly surprised to find out the campsite I like was vacant. Whoever was the night before packed up, and there was no mess left over. Hung the flag up, set up the table, hung lights up, and gathered wood. Started a campfire, cracked open a beer, had soup and sandwitches for dinner. The colors in the woods were about peak here. Around 6:15 PM, walked across the road, to take a closer look at the cows grazing in the pasture.

Pasture View from Campsite

I stayed up until 8:15 PM, when it started to sprinkle, and quickly turned to a heavier rain, and decided it was time to seek shelter under the truck cap. Again a bit annoyed about the rain, and my stupidity about not setting up a tarp earlier in the evening. I listened to the radio for a bit, played on my cellphone, and retired for the night. The good news was that by morning, the rain would have passed, although the skies would be cloudy, damp, and the temperature only around 47 degrees.

Campsite Fifty Six

One of my favorite campsites up at Moose Plains is Campsite Number 56. Located in the β€œPlains”, it is surrounded by dense vegetation, and entirely screened from road via dense brush on each side. Unlike being in the woods, however, it is a largely open canopy, home to many grassland birds and with excellent views of the stars above.

Campsite 56

I can set up camp here, backing my pickup truck into the site,and not see another person for as long as I stay back there. I might occassionally hear the rumble of a passing pickup truck, or hear a yell from the fairly distant Campsite 57 on the other side of road – which happens to be about a ΒΌ mile away, and down at the bottom of a valley, below the sand dunes, down by Summer Stream.

Untitled [Expires October 12 2024]

It is my personal sanctuary, where I go up to a couple of times of year. It really isn’t that far, and you drive right in. And it’s almost like your in a entirely different world.

Flag On Sunday Morning

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Duck Pond Campsite

There is a campsite located at Duck Pond, near the berm that keeps this swampy pond with a little bit of water. It is located next to a marker honoring one of the first forest rangers in the area, Charles Hopkins. At one point, there was a dam that raised the water level at Duck Pond, but in later years, it was reduced to about a 1 foot deep throughout the pond.

 Bubb And Sis Lakes Trail

The road to Duck Pond from the north is in good condition, however to the south coming from Blenhium, the road is quite rough and bumpy, and can be muddy. From the north, the road is stone dust and well maintained.

Rough Lower Section of Burnt Hill Road

Rankings: Campsites are ranked from 0 to 10, based on the described attributes.

Overall 7 Lack of Enforcement Presence 7
Scenic Beauty 7 Facilities 5
Cleanliness 8 On-Site Attractions 3
Privacy 6 Nearby Attractions 5
Layout 6 Cellphone and Data Services 8

Duck Pond

  • Roughly 2.5 miles south of Rossman Hill Road, Fulton, NY on Burnt Hill Road.
  • Second left, heading east from Looking Glass Pond. Head south past trailers and across Long Path, swing left at the “Y”. Continue on road, as it winds and crosses a small brook, until you reach the clearing and Duck Pond.
  • You can also take Burnt Hill Road north from West Kill Road, but a short section of that road is quite rough.
  • 19 miles south-east of Cobelskill
  • 6 miles north-west of Blenhium
  • N 42.51020 W 74.48359
  • No charge
  • 3-nights maximum stay at this site except by FREE camping permit for up to 2-weeks which can be obtained from Forest Ranger Tom EdmundsΒ 518-827-6565, Cell: 518-505-4070 (more info).
  • 1 large campsite
  • Stone fire ring
  • No outhouses
  • Cellphone service/3G data service
  • Medium-sized trailer or tent
Attractions on Site:
  • Burnt-Rossman State Forest
  • Swampy Duck Pond.
Attractions Nearby:
  • Looking Glass Pond – Fishing – 2 miles north on Burnt Hill Road, then 1/2 mile east on Rossman Hill Road
  • NY Power Authority Visitors Center – 8 miles south-west on NY 30 in Blenhium
  • Mine Kill State Park (fee) – 9 miles south-west on NY 30 in Blenhium
  • Mine Kill Falls (south of the park – FREE) – 10 miles south-west on NY 30 in Blenhium
  • Max Shaul Farm Market – 10 miles north-east on NY 30 in Fultonham
  • Water can be obtained from creek 1 mile north on Duck Pond Road
  • No outhouses – Dig hole in woods away from lake, burn toilet paper
  • Burn combustible garbage, take cans home for recycling
  • Make sure firepits and campsite are clean before leaving
Restrictions on Use:
  • 3-nights maximum stay at this site.
  • Except by FREE camping permit for up to 2-weeks which can be obtained from Ranger Tom EdmundsΒ 518-827-6565, Cell: 518-505-4070 (more info).
  • Seasonal use road – neither Burnt Hill Road or Rossman Hill Road is plowed in the winter.

Campsite at Duck Pond