Dairy Farming

Articles and news about dairy farming and milk production, a leading industry in rural Upstate New York.

Lakenvelder koeien met kalfjes – Dutch Belted with calves

The colour markings are the main characteristic for the Lakenvelder. A Lakenvelder is either black or red, with a white belt over the middle. In Dutch this belt is described as 'laken' (sheet). The lakenvelder is a curious and quiet breed. The breed began to flourish in the Netherlands in the 17th century. The cattle were highly prized for their milking and fattening abilities. Nowadays, the Lakenvelder is a rare breed.

Pennsylvania Dairy Kid – Milking Cows

Some pretty neat camera work of the milking process - strip, dip, milk - from an old-fashioned tie stall barn in Pennsylvania. Producing that wonderful beverage that makes everything from coffee in the morning to dinner at night a little better. Clunk-clunk of the pulsator.

Our Tie Stall Dairy Barn

Our small family owned dairy farm in North Central Pennsylvania

It's always interesting to watch small dairy farm videos, as they're so common in the hills and hollows of both Northern Pennsylvania and much of New York. Common but kind of a dying breed as milk prices as low, labor is intense and backbreaking on farms, but milk still helps pay some of the farm expenses.