Search Results for: photo bird 2


The World’s Largest Santa & The Christmas Tragedy β€” 1953 | Flashback : Dallas

Back in 2010, Robert Wilonsky (now a reporter for The Dallas Morning News, but back then a reporter for The Dallas Observer) posted a 1950s-era photo of a giant Santa Claus sitting on the roof of a Dallas car dealership. Robert had found the photo on eBay and wondered what the story behind the promotional stunt might have been. The thing that sparked my interest (other than it being a giant Santa Claus — holding a full-size car in his lap!) was the fact that the dealership, Porter Chevrolet (which I’d never heard of), had been just around the corner from where I grew up — it was in the 5500 block of E. Mockingbird, right across from the old Dr Pepper plant, about where the Campisi’s parking lot is now. I, too, really wanted to know more about that huge Santa Claus that had once been hanging out so ostentatiously in my neighborhood.

At about the time when Robert’s post

This year, a quiet summer week in Finger Lakes

This year, a quiet summer week in Finger Lakes

Last summer was naturally a bit of a toned-down summer due to COVID-19 on my vacation, as social distancing was a necessity with no vaccine available at that point to make travel and exposure to strangers safe once again. But I actually kind of liked the toned-down week, staying in the same campsite and several days spent with my truck parked, hiking around the National Forest exploring the woods and having a few drinks while reading a book, rather then the go-go nature of so many vacations past. I also intentionally camped where I wouldn’t have good cell service, to keep off the phone.

This summer I can kind of want to do the same thing, with an emphasis on what I did last year that I found memorable – exploring new places and doing new activities. That doesn’t mean necessarily traveling long distances but instead just hiking trails and kayaking places I hadn’t been to before. There are some gorges in Ithaca I haven’t hiked, and several different trails I haven’t done. They call Watkins Glen “Trail Town”, at least in the downtown where the Finger Lakes and North Country Trail Intersect, there are many trails I haven’t done. If the wind is good and calm, I want to paddle up more of the shore of Seneca Lake, and there is much more time I want to spend at the Big Bad Indian Swamp observing the birds and wildlife and fishing.

South from the observation platform

Towards Seneca Lake

Big fire ? to close out the trip

Burnt Hill



Supreme Court Rules For Cheerleader In Free Speech Case : NPR

The U.S. Supreme Court sided with students on Wednesday, ruling that a cheerleader's online F-bombs about her school is protected speech under the First Amendment.

By an 8-1 vote, the court declared that school administrators do have the power to punish student speech that occurs online or off campus if it genuinely disrupts classroom study. But the justices concluded that a few swear words posted online from off campus, as in this case, did not rise to the definition of disruptive.

"While public schools may have a special interest in regulating some off-campus student speech, the special interests offered by the school are not sufficient to overcome B. L.'s interest in free expression in this case," Justice Stephen Breyer wrote for the court's majority.

At issue in the case was a series of F-bombs issued on Snapchat by Brandi Levy, then a 14-year-old high school cheerleader, who failed to win a promotion from the junior varsity to the varsity cheerleading term.

"I was really upset and frustrated at everything," she said in an interview with NPR in April. So she posted a photo of herself and a friend flipping the bird to the camera, along with a message that said, "F*** the school,... F*** cheer, F*** everything."

This June I’ve been thinking about places I want to go now that it’s gotten hot out and summer is underway … πŸ•

This June I’ve been thinking about places I want to go now that it’s gotten hot out and summer is underway … πŸ•

 Schoharie Valley

Schoharie County

The next two weekends are the Gas Up. The Mine Kill Pool opens on July 1st. Strawberries and so many other good things from farm stands in Schoharie Valley. Camp up at Burnt-Rossman State Forest, maybe connect up with some of my buddies out that way. Maybe do some fishing.

Camping At Betty Brook

Madison County

I have been biting to get out for another paddle on the Nine Mile Swamp. I also think a hike along Chenango Canal again would be delightful as long as it’s not ungodly hot. Also some bird watching and fishing in Sherbune at the Rogers Center. Of course if it’s hot, the beach at Glimmerglass Park might be nice.

Along One of Twists in Creek

Black River Valley

I haven’t been to the Black River Valley in about 5 years and it would be fun to spend a long weekend out that way in the Otter Creek Area, and meet up with some friends and poke around the Western Adirondacks.

 Keener Hill Road

Piseco-Powley Road

The Potholers of course. But also just a quiet, maybe extended weekend off the grid would be nice. I do like that swimming hole at House Pond Campsite, and some of the other hikes. And just relaxing and being off-the-grid for a few days. Maybe do clams in beer, that was so good that one hot summer weekend down at the House Pond Campsite.



What a week it’s been … πŸ”₯πŸ“œ πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸš’

Over the past week I’ve literally spent 17 plus hours sorting through wet, smokey and increasingly moldy papers trying to save whatever Albany history I can before it’s forever gone. While maybe John Wolcott will never be as famous as Erastus Corning or Nelson Rockeller, the truth is activists like him preserved some of the city’s most important history and lands, raised important questions made a difference again the Democratic machine, often at great personal cost.

While he did pretty well when “Republican” Theresa Cook (ala that time Rezsin Adams ran as a “Republican” for county legislature) was running the county clerk’s office, other times he was attacked tooth and nail for his performance as a title searcher for the county, even though he was probably the best title searcher and researcher of deeds and history the county ever had. I came across his lawsuit today drying out his papers along with the numerous exhibits on Albany County corruption and sneaky misdeeds or the Erastus Corning machine and by that time Jim Coyne’s county operations. The Corning machine was only really interested in punishing male dissidents, they couldn’t see in their minds that women could have any influence of politics. Ultimately it was the federal District Court that sided with him and had him reinstated but he fought for years to get the pension credit he deserved going back to the days when he was a consultant for Fort Orange 787 dig. The Fort Orange file got wetter than I thought but we got it apart drying. It will be saved. And while, maybe the history books write differently, certainly it was John Wolcott who helped to take down Jim Coyne through alerting the FBI to Coyne’s crooked deal over the Knickerbocker Arena, although like with Fort Orange and Paul Huey, the credit can’t necessarily be just his own.

And then as I was going through the papers, putting dried ones away I heard a screech and bang, and a car crashed into the traffic light pole at South Swan and Morton Avenue, causing the 100 plus lb traffic light to break free of the wire. The clearly fleeing car then took off leaking what appeared to be coolant. Police showed up, hauled the broken stop light off the road, talked to the neighbors and took off. Not sure what happened to the fleeting crashed car, I was too busy sorting papers. Albany is going downhill rapidly, things were looking up in the city not that long ago. I’m just glad I’ve been taking the bus there rather than driving especially with the neighborhoods getting so rough. I still remember that last time I walked down to Sheridan Hollow to visit John, a firearm rang out as somebody shot out a car window.

While working on John’s papers, I’ve been going through the EIS for a project in Troy and some Pine Bush issues in Guilderland with some tax data and GIS Mapping. People have gotten to know all the amazing things that I can do and I get more and more requests. It seems like everywhere I’m going I’m getting sucked into fights against City Hall everywhere, me with public records and free software, going up against million dollar reports with expensive professional software, internal only data and decades of training and experience. But if we don’t raise questions and fight development then who will? It’s tough as these professionals have big budgets and skills, but if house wife Jane Jacobs could stop Robert Moses, then so can ordinary people like myself. Not going to win every fight but it’s good to raise questions and stop bad development where we can. Even if it’s a pain to the local Bob Moses of today. It’s important we protect open space. Even if it involves some risk to myself and makes me not trust or respect most government workers.

Beyond all those wet and smokey papers and battling City Hall it’s been a crazy week for sure. The legislative session is wrapping up and I’ve been swamped with work, I was going through agendas for work well into the night on Saturday night. It’s been a crush at work and when I’m not in the office most of the time until late I’ve been drying out papers. I did get some bird watching in at Five Rivers Environmental Education Center this morning – saw a red tailed hawk being harassed by a few sparrows on the way out walking out there. I continue to back up, photograph and store important documents electronically in case of a disaster.

And then I’m also finally dealing with some of my own issues in my life. The counseling I’m getting is helping, it seems consistent with the advice I’m reading from trustworthy sources and publications on the internet. But change comes hard especially with bad habits of both negative thinking and repeated thoughts in thinking I’ve had ingrained for two decades now. I’m trying to change but it’s hard. I’m certainly learning a lot, becoming a better person because of counseling.

And I was doing better until the mixed emotions of Mr. Wolcott’s house fire – grief and sense of lostmy work sorting and carefully cataloging documents would be forever lost. But we saved a lot. But the shock and horror of it all, seeing that house in such disarray and burnt – that only a week ago before the fire when I was sorting and filing papers things looked so different. Plus all that stuff going to the Rensselaer landfill to be buried and forever viewed from my downtown office as a dirt and grass covered hill. Fire can be so bad, especially in the urban areas. Then I saw the other side tonight out in the country, the place I grew up. My parents neighbors, the ones who live in trailers and raise pigs and cows, were having a big ol bonfire, drinking beer burning an old couch, mattress and pallets with lots of black smoke. I’m so jealous of their homestead, even if they are what the government calls poor people who live in rundown trailers and barns. Kind of like that film about Appalachia I’ve been watching. But the country life is a life I’ll get to eventually, saving a bit each paycheck.

… Fire can destroy but it can cleanse too. That’s what my therapist reminds me.

Autumn always seems to pass in the blink of an eye.

Autumn always seems to pass in the blink of an eye. It’s warm and green out until it gets cold and the leaves pass by. The time changes and November is suddenly upon us. Daylight Savings Time is done, the leaves are mostly off the trees, the sky is gray and there is a cold breeze in the air.

I got up before dawn for a walk at the Green Lakes bird sanctuary area, the open fields and hills looking down at the great Oneida flatlands below, although I was certainly hoping for more sun. Lots of birds, and it’s still quite a nice walk. Probably the last time I’ll be here for a long time.

Verrazano Narrows Bridge

The Plains vs remote camping

When I camp at Moose River Plains I often go between camping in the plains proper near the major destinations like Helldiver Pond and the Moose River, and camping somewhere more remote along the roads.

Campsite 55

Plains proper

  • Sandy soils
  • Beautiful landscape
  • Butterflies, grass land birds
  • Near destinations like Helldiver Pond, Moose River, Beaver Lake so you can walk there from camp
  • Lots of sun and blue skies for solar
  • Great view of the stars
  • Decent privacy based on the layout of the campsites at least visually
  • Sound carries in the plains, you can easily hear nearby campsites, less of a wilderness experience
  • Have to keep the noise down
  • Can feel a bit like a developed campground

Campsite on Moose River Plains road

Outlying Areas in the Plains

  • Heavy forested, kind of generic Adirondack wilderness
  • Typically heavily shaded and cooler in the summer months
  • Other campsites a 1/4 mile or further away
  • You don’t hear noise or voices from other campers
  • You can listen to music loud, shoot guns, light off fireworks into the night without bothering folks.
  • Target shooting from camp!
  • Much better privacy and feels much more wilderness like.