Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Fifty years later I'm pondering the final words of the Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance. 🏍 In terms of this larger pattern the lines at the end of this book still stand. We have won it. Things are better now. You can sort of tell these things. πŸͺ· Maybe I'm just sunburnt and it was just a dream as I reached the end of the audiobook I was listening to watching the Red Winged Black birds teary eyed. 🐦 πŸ‘€

Pennsylvania Wilds Overlaid Over Adirondack Park

Pennsylvania Wilds Overlaid Over Adirondack Park

How does the Pennsylvania Wilds compare to Adirondack Park?

Pennsylvania Wilds - 5.3 million acres
Public Lands - 2.1 million acres (National Forest, State Forest, State Game Commission Lands)

Adirondack Park - 6 million acres
Public lands - 2.6 million acres (Wild Forest and Wilderness)

Maybe I should have done to maximize this beautiful spring Saturday 🌸

But I was quite content to stay home, and spend my day strolling around the Phillip en Kill Preserve and the Five Rivers Environmental Education Center, reading, studying, and observing nature. The thing is I really don’t enjoy driving that much or even bicycling — it comes somewhat of a chore when you bike commute every day. It’d rather just walk somewhere on my feet, not in a hurry on a Saturday.

While I know time is not unlimited, I also don’t get the appeal of hurrying and seeing how much one can jam into a weekend. There will certainly be a chance to do more weekend adventures when the weather is nicer, and if there isn’t ultimately it doesn’t matter. Driving or even riding the bike costs money, and while it means you are sped away to a distant location, it means you end of seeing a lot less then on foot.