Search Results for: "OrthoPhoto:"

1952 Albany Pine Bush

1952 Albany Pine Bush

This shows the largely unbroken land of the Albany Pine Bush that would be heavily developed over the next two decades.

The Old Letter S

Ortho The Old Letter S

The original Letter S looked a lot like a giant letter S. I wasn't sure if it was always there, but I confirmed from the 1952 satellite photo that the old routing was still very existent going a while back.

Fuera Bush 1952

Fuera Bush 1952

While the plastics and nitrogen plant in Fuera Bush were a later addition, much of the village today is similar to years past.

East Karner Barrens 1973

East Karner Barrens 1973

The East Karner Barrens fifty years ago still look much the same as today due to decades of fights by community activists. Trails are the contemporary routings.