Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

With some warm weather this week, πŸ–οΈ and Memorial Day Weekend just around the corner, it seems like summer is just kicking off. Hard to think that next weekend will be June and weekends at the Potholers in nine-degree heat aren't that far off nor is summer vacation.

Mill Point

Schoharie Creek winds through the cut where NY 162 crosses it in southern Montgomery County.

Southern Erie County is Quite Agriculutral

While maybe lacking the rich farm dirt of many part of Wyoming County to the east, once you get south of Hamburg - Orchard Park, there is a lot of acreage under cultivation.

Plattsburgh Exit 38 Cloverleaf

This cloverleaf on the north-side of city seems much overscaled, but probably the land was poor and polluted here, and it made sense to provide arterial access to Dannemora and points to the north and west, I guess.