Search Results for: "Map:" Buffalo River

Buffalo River

Said to be one of the most polluted waterways in Upstate New York.

2021 Buffalo Mayoral Democratic Primary

2021 Buffalo Mayoral Democratic Primary

Today, I took a look at the Buffalo Mayoral Democratic Primary. I was surprised how concentrated Democratic Socialist India Walton base of support was in city -- she only won AD 149 Jonathan Rivera and SD 60, the rest of city went for Bryon Brown. It looks like she did a very good job at getting her supporters out.

India Walton preformed most strongly in the Niagara district (71%), Delaware District (64%) with a tie to Ellicott District (50%) but lost the remaining city - South 36%, Manston 40%, Filmore 40%, Lovejoy 44%, University 46%, North 46%.

India Walton won AD 149 Rivera 67%, and lost the other Assembly Districts AD 140 Conrad 44%, AD 141 People Stokes 46%, AD 142 Burke 37%. She won SD 60 Ryan 60% and lost SD 63 Kennedy 46%.

                Walton   Durham   Brown          
AD SD Enroll Ballot Blanks Canvass TO DO Dem Dem% Dem Dem% Dem Dem% Other Other% Check Check%
140   6,750 1,108 10 1,098 16.4% 0.9% 483 44.0% 58 5.3% 556 50.6% 1 0.1% 0 100.00%
141   59,586 13,099 147 12,952 22.0% 1.1% 5,907 45.6% 509 3.9% 6,498 50.2% 38 0.3% 0 100.00%
142   14,370 2,730 34 2,696 19.0% 1.2% 987 36.6% 89 3.3% 1,603 59.5% 17 0.6% 0 100.00%
149   25,711 6,502 62 6,440 25.3% 1.0% 4,341 67.4% 73 1.1% 2,012 31.2% 14 0.2% 0 100.00%
  60 31,530 7,860 65 7,795 24.9% 0.8% 4,675 60.0% 161 2.1% 2,938 37.7% 21 0.3% 0 100.00%
  63 74,887 15,579 188 15,391 20.8% 1.2% 7,043 45.8% 568 3.7% 7,731 50.2% 49 0.3% 0 100.00%