Search Results for: "Map:" Beaver Lake

Crystal Lake

 Crystal Lake

Crystal Lake Wild Forest is 497 acres, and includes a 32-acre man-made lake, seeps and streams, wetlands and an old beaver pond. It's considered part of the Catskill Forest Preserve, although it's a detached parcel outside of the Catskill Park Blue Line.

Pharoah Lake

 Pharoah Lake

Updated map of Pharoah Lake with campsites based on the latest data dump from the NYSDEC. As of this summer, the bridge over the outlet (southern tip) of Pharoah Lake is closed for repairs, so one must go around the lake to get to the northern shore of the lake from the Pharoah Lake Trail from Pharoah Road/Beaver Dam Road in Schroon.

Beaver Kill in Albany

Beaver Kill in Albany_resize_25

Today if you went Downtown you would be hard pressed to find much of the Beaver Kill or Beaver Creek. Most of it is buried in the Big C Pipe, although they are proposing to daylight part of it in Lincoln Park during the coming years. Probably the best place to see it would be in what is now Washington Park Lake.

Data Source: 1866 Beers Map of Albany from the New York Public Library, georefrenced, traced and overlaid on a contemporary aerial photo and LIDAR hillshade.