September 16, 2015 update

71 degrees and sunny as we head into the 11 o’clock hour. Going to be a nice day with a high of 83. Get out for lunch today if at all possible.

I am officially cleared from wearing the big sprain boot although I got a small ankle brace I was told I should wear as necessary. It sits inside the work boot and gives a little extra support. I’m clear to return to all normal activities but I should take it easy at first and build things up before I start climbing mountains – and wear the brace while doing anything that could hurt the ankle. I have an optional appointment in six weeks but I’m free to cancel as long as any final pain dissipates and my ankle is fully stable once again. I’m happy about that.

Tonight is the Save the Pine Bush Dinner and the speaker is going to talk about the controversial natural gas pipeline. Not exactly Pine Bush related but people wanted to hear about it. I will probably be busy in the kitchen washing dishes and prepping dinner like usual.

Looking to take off Friday and Monday for an extended weekend at Otter Creek, Independence River and Lowville area. I haven’t asked for the time off yet but the calendar looks like there is enough coverage at work. I was hesitant to take the time off until I had a final decision from my doctor. Should be a nice weekend with some good colors in higher elevations. I would love to paddle the Whetstone Reservoir which in fall should be so nice.

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