Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer

Those hazy, hot and humid summer days of summer are upon us. After last summer and many of the early weeks of this summer, you could be forgiven for forgetting what real summers feel like in the summer.

That blast of heat that hits you as you step outside of your air conditioned office or car. The inside of your apartment, which by time you get home at 6 PM still feels like a blast furnace. Dripping in sweat as you walk down to the Town Park.

Vermont in Haze

Ah, summer….

Escaping to the Adirondacks with the air conditioning blasting, watching as the temperatures drop as you climb in elevation. Warm, delightful nights next to the fire as midnight rolls around. Hot days spent at the Potholers.

There are those who complain about the heat and humidity. But not me. It’s part of what makes summer so delightful. Remember, in six months, it will be frigid out.

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