Good Morning! Happy Monday.

Last week’s long week lead to a weekend that came and gone much too fast. And now we are up an earlier for work with daylight savings time. Maybe this is a sign of spring, at least after the mid-week blizzard or snowstorm or rain, whatever the ultimate forecast works out to be.

A very gray and dark morning this morning. It wouldn’t have been that bad of start getting up an hour earlier, had the sun been out. Tomorrow is supposed to be a lot more sunny then today – and maybe a bit warm.

Sunrise at the Campsite

March is the busiest time at work for me, well except maybe for June and October. But it’s good to be busy during March as it makes the time go by faster. I will be glad when March is over an the nicer weather of April is upon us. I don’t expect much greening up until May at the earliest, but it does who we are well onto the way to the good weather of spring.

Three more weekends left until April for what it’s worth.

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