Daily Update – May 10, 2022

Good morning! Happy Tuesday, Ready for some Warm Weather? πŸ–

Actually quite pleasant weather as the needle won’t even be moving much on the mug o meter with dew points only to reach the fifties by the peak of the heat wave.

Sunny and 36 degrees in Delmar, NY. 🌞 There is a north-northwest breeze at 5 mph. πŸƒ.

Still fairly cool this morning 🚢 heading out for my morning walk at 6:15 am. But I like how early the sun rises now and how calm things are before the morning rush hour. 🚘 Especially as the heat of summer comes I might start doing my morning walk before breakfast πŸ₯£.

Woke up at 4 am and started reading πŸ“– about the open class materials from Penn State’s class on Spatial Auto Correlation. πŸ—Ί Basically its a class on how to detect clusters and draw conclusions from statistical models from Geographic data. Yesterday I upgraded R on my laptop to 4.2 so I could use the rgeoda package πŸ“¦. I’ve use the geoda stand alone app but it’s clunky and a pain to use so I’d much rather use it directly in R where I can use code rather than a lot of dialogs.

Still not a lot of green πŸŒ„ in the Helderbergs yet. Spring is late for May 10th but so far we haven’t had a warm up. After this week though I expect things will change although still so far many of the nights in the outlying locations have been quite frosty.

Finally put away the electric blanket and space heater ♨️ away and got the fan out. I’ll have to open the rest of the windows. πŸ”³ Although it’s going to take a while for the real hot weather to approach so I’m not worried about it being too hot when I get home. Plus I don’t expect to get home until pretty late.

The past few days have been so busy at work. 🏒 It’s the end of session with a what seems like a billion bills moving through committee, people keep getting the COVID 😷 and more and more projects keep popping up. I just don’t think heading out of town this weekend is a realistic option.

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