Vacation can be exhausting 😴

Vacation can be exhausting 😴

Even though I’ve been trying to take my vacation easy, trying to sleep in, taking mornings easy, camping in one campsite most of the week, and keeping a laid back schedule, it always seems like after a week camping I am feeling so exhausted.

Maybe it’s the time in the sun or the alcohol. Maybe it’s because its more work to camp than to sit at home where I have running water and a shower. Maybe it’s the moving gear between the cab and cap of the truck – and securing the campsite before I leave, but it’s still so tiring. Seems like a job every day.

A lot of people I know when they do vacation, they eat out every meal and stay in a motel room. But I don’t know, that sure feels a lot like work travel. I don’t want to rely on strangers, I don’t want to stay in some weird place when I do that enough for work. Staying in my truck or in my tent, just feels like I’m in a more comfortable place that some random motel room.

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